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Totallympics International Song Contest

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Everything posted by Gianlu33

  1. Sadly not a good debut whit thw italian jersey for Chiara D'Arco She losed at golden point in the 1st round and she told me that she was very excited for it. Chiara trained in the same gym of Roberto Botta (and the my same gym ) and she can become on of the most interessing italian judoka in 2024 (she was born in 2000). It's amazing see that the Bentis continue to give on of the most best preparation. If it was not for my injury...
  2. Tomorrow (?) we'll have the Women's -52kg competitions. C'mon Chiara, c'mon Bentis!
  3. Unluckly for me, I'll miss the opening ceremony for some work problems
  4. Bella partita degli azzurri che hanno saputo dare prova di se stessi contro i Campioni del Mondo della Germania. Peccato per il palo di Belotti ma la porta era stregata. Comunque il goal dei tedeschi era regolare
  5. Day 1 Finally yesterday the Italian delegation started for Bergamo, the only city whit a direct fly for Kaunas and has arrived at Kauna Oro Uostat. The delegation has haused at Best Western Santakos Hotel, a folkloristic hotel in the old town whit an amazing view. After a small night in Kaunas our frist day in Lithuania is finished and we want say thanks at all Lithuanian peoples that welcomed this contest, tomorrow we'll start our exploration.
  6. Two filo-russian and anti-european premier was elected yesterday in Moldova and Bulgaria Bad time are coming for the Union
  7. Abbiamo perso ma rimane la grande prestazione degli azzurrini sopratutto considerando che nel secondo tempo giocavamo con una sorta di formazione B
  8. Ancora ottime notizie sul fronte dei diritti televisivi! Sportitalia ha acquistato i diritti di tutte le partite di Champions League di pallanuoto della Pro Recco. L'anno olimpico sembra aver fatto bene al nostro sport
  9. Translation: Anyone can merry me? So i become Italian and stay here
  10. This is Trump in 2004. At last he don't hate the Olympics
  11. So, who say that Clinton is a good presidend?
  12. Wall street, asian stocks and the dollars are crap. And the Mexican pesos
  13. 275 big elector for Donald Trump How stupid are the Americans?
  14. Oh America, we love you Problems whit the eletronic vote in North Carolina, they'll continue to vote for 2 hours again..
  15. Anyone have the link of youtube for see the cnn in live? Thanks a lot
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