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Totallympics International Song Contest

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Everything posted by Olympian1010

  1. Yes, this. I’m so glad users continue to stick around even when their songs fail to score high.
  2. Alright, my excitement for @Glen’s podium has decreased a little after that reveal.
  3. If @Glen didn’t vote for Ireland, and gave massive points to the US, Canada, Spain, and Slovakia...he will become my favorite Totallympics user, and honestly a real-life hero.
  4. I get the feeling we’re about to see Malta’s chance at a welcomed, historic podium drift away...
  5. The US is actually providing our team with some points this round. Thanks @Janakis for the points
  6. Looks like the Riders have peaked at the right time after a steady early performance.
  7. Wow, I did not expect someone to just runaway with this edition like this. The Serbian song is good, but I wouldn’t have pegged it as a winner. I personally ranked it 13th along with @Werloc. In all honesty, I am more than okay with any of the 16 songs I listed winning.
  8. Damn, I hate to think how our host will react to that. Very disgraceful move from our Kiwi juror
  9. I was convinced that a Filipino user had entered the contest. I was certain the Indian song was Filipino.
  10. Every song on that list absolutely deserves points, unfortunately I didn’t have 16 points to give.
  11. Honestly though, that Czech song had all the criteria I look for. Great video, amazing vocals, skillful musicality, and creative lyrics.
  12. This is by far the most @dezbee2008 and I have agreed in our votes. We had 6/7 songs that we both identified as points worthy.
  13. @Bohemia no clue how “Run Boy Run” isn’t winning this thing by a hundred votes at this point. It’s one of the best songs of the last decade. Yes, I did only give it third myself, but still...
  14. Personal votes: 12 - (Very happy with this after @hckosice refered to my beautiful state of California as “Cali”. That is a city in Colombia sir ) 11 - 10 - 9 - 8 - 7 - 6 - 5 - 4 - 3 - 2 - 1 - R1 - R2 - R3 - R4 -
  15. There were three songs both @dezbee2008 and I had in our top 6. Ireland and Egypt were two of them.
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