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Everything posted by Olympian1010

  1. Huh, I guess I need to go rewatch that race at some point when I get the chance. I was watching that and the W C1 200m final at the same time, so maybe I just missed something…
  2. That’s got to be close to the record. It’s looks close at least…
  3. Yeah, I guess it’s more I wouldn’t use “choke” to describe his performance here. It’s below what he would have wanted/expected, but he’s still a medalist. For me, he just got outraced on the day. It happens.
  4. I feel like the definition of choke on Totallympics doesn’t always match the actual definition of the word. Yes, Holloway was the favorite, but it’s not like he made some major mistake that cost him the gold medal; he just got outraced. That’s not so much a choke as just a plain loss to a quicker competitor on the day. That’s my semantics lesson for the day
  5. Harrison !!!! A gold medal in canoe for the US (I know she was the favorite, but it’s amazing to see a gold medal for the US in this sport. It’s not something that happens often canoeing fans in the US.)
  6. Reynolds doesn’t make the final. Francisco , Woolley , Quintas into the final with one heat to go.
  7. Woolley takes out a cameraman, but everyone’s okay
  8. Well hold up…little bit of drama at the end of the Women’s 470 race. had been leading at the start of the (and for the majority of) the 4th leg, but somehow dropped into 5th place between and . has lodged a protest claiming that did so on propose to allow to claim the sliver medal. A hearing on the matter will be held shortly…
  9. Let it be said that I really enjoyed the commentary provided by the OBS Sailing commentator
  10. And with those two medal races in the bag, 470 ends it’s run of separate gender classes and brings the Tokyo 2020 regatta to an end.
  11. takes the silver medal on the last leg. They managed to put between themselves and . goes home with the gold.
  12. will face the loser of the semifinal for a spot in the gold medal match. will play in the bronze medal match.
  13. Park exists mainly for contests though, so it’s not shocking that the competition format is more natural.
  14. Had a decent race in the heats, just looked like a tad early start got him off balance…
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