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Everything posted by heywoodu

  1. Wow, Zaitsau. That's where that black hole slowly tearing the world apart at the moment came from
  2. Usually there are bell-peppers in the things we eat with pasta, that's fine. I am not entirely up-to-date on all the kinds of cabbages and kale and such, so I can't really comment on it. I do like what I see might be translated to endive, which I find rather disgusting when it's cooked, but delicious when it's raw and mixed with mashed potatoes and some pieces of cheese and bacon. Never heard of bok choy. Cauliflower only slightly tastes less terrible than it smells, peas by themselves are worthless, but pea soup is fantastic. I like tomatoes and cucumbers, although especially the latter isn't something I'd use in a dish, I just eat them. Cooked onions: meh. Raw onions with certain things: excellent. I only mentioned green beans because those are the ones we generally eat with potatoes, but I really do like brown beans (just not with potatoes). In fact, one of my favourite dishes has brown beans as a major ingredient for the 'sauce' that goes with the rice. I also like rice with black beans, but those are very hard to find here and I basically only eat them in Brazil. Beets, mashed with potatoes, are acceptable as well. There's one thing I find alright with some (raw) pieces of onion. There you go, I only mentioned things straight out of my mind that we generally eat with potatoes, but of course there's plenty of other ways in which I do eat plenty of vegetables
  3. Beans (the long green ones), carrots, red cabbage, sauerkraut (never got why there's a German word in English for this), spinach are some examples of vegetables I can stomach together with potatoes (often mashed together, which I actually do think is a fairly Dutch/rural Dutch thing to do ). I've always found carrots to be weird. I really like them when they're uncooked, but when they are cooked the taste changes so much, meh.
  4. We have certain snacks or something associated with certain ocassions, but no whole dishes I mean, it's not like one can say "At Christmas, the Dutch eat this or that". At Christmas people generally tend to have a special and large meal with all kinds of different things, but what that is exactly really just depends on what one wants, in my family it's usually something different every year
  5. Fun fact: I grew up pronouncing 'corned beef' as 'corNET beef', with the 'net' as in 'internet' and emphasis on that part. I think I was easily 20 years old when I realized my parents - and so me as well - had been doing that wrong forever.
  6. Right, but I wonder if that's so different than other places I mean, driving around certain places in Brazil there were people sitting around drinking beer every moment of the day I'm fairly happy I didn't grow up in a family where drinking (alcohol) all throughout the day/week was considered normal
  7. Does anyone else always get cringy when reading about what's supposed to be the culinary 'traditions' in their country? For example, I am reading this: And basically all of it is just bullshit I've never heard this being called 'koffietijd' and there really isn't a set timeframe, it just depends on whenever you'd like it. I'd take a morning snack early if I had a very early breakfast, or late (or not at all) if I had a late breakfast. It really depends on the situation and person. Wrong Even on weekends most people consider 17:00 way too early for that and these kind of things usually only start later in the evening (like 21:00), although a 'borrel' is definitely not beer or wine, a 'borrel' is a small shot of generally a strong liquor (think 40% or higher). Also, nobody calls it 'borreltijd'. While the 'potatoes, vegetables and meat' thing isn't entirely untrue (although personally I only eat my meat after the rest, which one could see as a second course), I have never in my life heard of 'AVG' I've lived here for all of my 30 years and never have I ever heard anyone say "we'll eat AVG tonight ". The only meaning of AVG in the Netherlands is either antivirus software or the Dutch translation of the GDPR. ---- We really don't have much of a 'tradition', we eat as much - if not more - things like pasta and rice than potatoes, it really just depends on what one likes.
  8. But what's more important, avoiding the same match-ups or having a fair competition? I really don't get how it's fair for a 3rd and 4th place team to have no gold medal chance anymore, whereas lower ranked teams still have a chance (even if it's only a theoretical one). I mean, if you'd know beforehand that reaching the top-2 is going to be nearly impossible, one would slow down on purpose to assure a 5th or 6th place instead of 3rd or 4th.. There only being six teams shouldn't matter, in that case just let the top-4 teams in qualifying battle it out for the medals, since they deserved to be in those spots based on qualifying.
  9. Do they include the mother of that Trump fan who's been arrested for trying to get a ballot for his dead mother?
  10. Yeah I know there have been rollerskiing events there (I believe on a long stretch of asphalt parallel to the straight that comes after the Curva do Sol), and they never had this kind of problem neither Just wondering in case I ever go there
  11. By the way, have you ever had any problems around there in terms of personal safety? Interlagos is 'famous' as THE hotspot for criminal activity in the F1 world, like stuff being stolen from teams, not always without intimidation.
  12. Just now, by big coincidence, I read that there was a fatal crash (again!) at Interlagos in the SuperBike Brasil last weekend It's really not a track for motorbikes, but for cars it is fantastic.
  13. Let's hope and pray that deal will be of the classics on the calendar, it'd be so sad if that would go to some new track that I think isn't even built yet..
  14. Yes they did, a week or so before the election.
  15. The Dutch commentator doesn't seem to see anything odd about the men's team sprint format in the first it really just me? How is it fair that 3rd and 4th place mean you are mathematically out of the race for gold, while 5th and 6th place mean you actually can still get gold?
  16. I would go with whichever one was simpler to keep track of both by the one keeping track of it and the people following along. I've always found team challenges a bit of a...well, challenge to really follow, so I'd always choose a format that's not too complicated with all kinds of bonuses and such
  17. That is just the sending templates, to be clear. Preparing them took a whole lot longer
  18. It seems like it's indeed true, 3rd and 4th position means you're out of the gold medal hunt, whereas 5th and 6th place (with 6th being a full 4 seconds behind the top-4) still have a theoretical shot for gold This is just ridiculous. I mean, I've seen ridiculous things, but a last place - far, far, far away from the second-to-last place - giving you a better chance for gold than a 3rd place is high on the list.
  19. Huh, what are heats 1 and 2 in the first round? We've got three heats there: 1st vs 6th 2nd vs 5th 3rd vs 4th Any single one of them being excluded from the fight for gold would be incredibly unfair, surely I'm missing something here?
  20. And the results aren't uploaded as PDF quickly, women's team sprint Q results still aren't there
  21. That live timing is truly terrible by the way, it shows the intermediate they reach, which then goes away almost immediately, so you really can't follow someone's 'trend' (mostly during longer events of course).
  22. Wow, four whole teams in the women's team sprint! And six in the men's event!
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