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Everything posted by heywoodu

  1. The design looks a whole lot better than basically every new Tilke-racetrack Well it's time for the first GP2-race right now, let's see how it'll go. We are as always represented by Daniël de Jong but only God knows why he's still driving in GP2.
  2. So the next step in what happened is this, I'm guessing: the fighting between Croatians in the stadium was between the fans on one side and the people throwing fireworks on the other side? Or was there some different reason for that? Sorry, I'm interested to try and get an idea what exactly happened
  3. At least the Croatian coach is calling those people terrorists and literally says they are not supporters.. (if the translation of his press conference is correct )
  4. Since Google Translate doesn't translate pictures, what does it say? All I think I understand is "tribine", which sounds like Dutch "tribune" (the stands in the stadium)
  5. Anyone else planning to watch 24 hours of the 24 hours of Le Mans?
  6. We have a match with more than 3 goals!!! I never thought I'd live to see the day
  7. I had somewhere thought Croatian fans would give something of an awesome tribute to Srna after having lost his dad. Instead, a handful of idiots try to get Croatia thrown out of the tournament
  8. This will of course be a suspended disqualification as well, exactly what Russia got. Or so I might hope..
  9. Oh man what is this... Croatia is on it's way to win and their "fans" (total idiots) are possibly getting them kicked out of the tournament, WTF.
  10. Oh you fucking idiots. Why the hell throw fireworks on the field and f*ck your team? I can not believe how incredibly stupid these people (the throwers) are..
  11. How are the average Russian sports fans looking at Russian athletes and especially race walkers by the way? Do they accept that especially the race walkers are mostly dirty, or is it more like "they're clean but people try to frame them?". I've never actually read how average Russians think about that, so I'm quite curious. (the only person I read about that is some weirdo on Twitter who is saying that every tiny thing is a huge conspiracy )
  12. To think we lost against these amateurs in qualifying.....twice
  13. I think it can be summarized like this? Will Russian athletes compete in Rio under the Russian flag? No. Could Russian athletes compete in Rio under the Olympic flag? Possibly.
  14. IAAF has kept Russia's ban for all international competitions, but left an opening for "provably clean athletes" to start in Rio according to some journalists. Question is how they'd prove that: their athletes only competed in Russia this year and the doping controls in Russia are nothing but a joke (like international testers being sent away by armed guards). I think it's up to the IOC and what they decide next week.
  15. Ah yes, true Either that or 32 teams, but then you'd have a ton of qualifying matches to only eliminate teams like Gibraltar, San Marino, Netherlands, Andorra and Liechtenstein.
  16. Let's go Croatia, give Srna an emotional victory please.
  17. IAAF press conference starts in around a minute or so. Live here:
  18. Is it just me (and the people on TV) or is it actually kind of a boring tournament so far? I mean, so few goals, mostly only in the end of matches...not much happens
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