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Everything posted by heywoodu

  1. It's like Serbia in water polo, if I'm not mistaken Winning at home, nothing away from home (maybe I'm confusing Serbia with another nation and even another sport though )
  2. Griezmann What a horribly bad defending by the Germans.
  3. I think it's 100% sure Italian maffia clearly bought him
  4. I didn't see those other fouls so I can't judge about those. But this was definitely a penalty (and when both the Belgian and Dutch commentators and analists agree about me, it must be true ), Schweinsteiger had absolutely no reason to put his hands up there. I don't think he was planning to "box" away the ball, but it was a beginner's mistake nonetheless.
  5. Sorry but that was so incredibly dumb from Schweinsteiger What on earth was he thinking? "We are so much stronger than France, let's give them a one goal advantage to make it fair."? Of course it should already have been 1-0 for Germany at that point (possibly even 2-0 if you're being really generous, but at least 1-0)...but well, that's their fault.
  6. I'd say 8:34 800m free for 14-year old Ajna Kesely is quite impressive as well
  7. No Ah well, it was right after I left school and wanted to do something else than studying...I remember secretly finding a place to use the earbuds in my phone and listen to the radio with nobody seeing me (and hiding everything really fast if someone was coming close) Including athletics, so there, on-topic
  8. He already appeared some years before that didn't he? Apart from that, this is an international forum, I'm not going to give away state secrets that shouldn't be published outside the Netherlands.
  9. Well thinking again, I think we were mostly seeing Netherlands Antilles as "our little brother" back then, so we were happy when they did well Although I must admit in 2004 I didn't watch it that much as nowadays and in 2008 I had just started a job 2 days before the Olympics (worst decision ever) so I didn't see that much of it live
  10. Not in general, but definitely for Martina. Although he was still very new for all of us back then, his interviews in Dutch media already surprised everyone back then with his everlasting smile and great attitude Like in the 2008 Olympics, people were absolutely cheering for Martina as if he was "one of our own" already
  11. Nah, she's just a typical shot putter
  12. On the good side, at least Dereli actually won a Turkish medal
  13. Well yes, like most Turkish athletes He is Jamaican-born.
  14. I heard somehere he's not in a good place to be in the team and surely this doesn't help him I'm not sure though, but I'm praying with you that he won't be there
  15. I know it's only Euro and Rio is the only thing that counts this year, but I must honestly say Churandy's gold made me a little emotional
  16. Churandy Oh my this is the best 100m final I have ever seen The most sympathetic Dutch athlete we ever had
  17. Yes, I believe they said something similar here. But yeah, as said before, most decathletes of course don't care so much about the decathlon here with Rio coming up soon
  18. If I get odds of 2, I would bet half of my money that those 8 events won't give 8 gold medals for Germany here
  19. Yes that is allowed, but come on....with Talay standing right next to her?! Well no complaints here, I'll help in making Talay feel better then
  20. Great race by the way from all top-3
  21. The weakest score in European championships history if I'm not mistaken, but that doesn't matter so much. Of course the much bigger thing is Van der Plaetsen's story and for most athletes all that mattered was getting above 8100 points if they hadn't do so yet to qualify for the Olympics.
  22. I don't know if the video works, but you gotta see Ruther Smith's reaction today after qualifying for the discus final in his last throw Before you think "what an idiot", it's an 'explosion of happiness' after such an incredibly long time with bad, bad injuries, threatening to end his career and so on, so it's understandably emotional for him Now if he qualifies for Rio, that would be the ultimate beauty.
  23. Van der Plaetsen, European athletics king Very much deserved after hard years with losing his father, getting cancer and now qualifying for the Olympics
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