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Everything posted by De_Gambassi

  1. Le point, sport par sport (pour rappel les quotas/médailles/médailles d'or à Londres) - Athlétisme (43/4/1): Pour l'instant, on a déjà 11 quotas ce qui me semble pas mal. La vrai période de qualif' va débuter le 1er avril. AMHA, on aura plus de qualifiés qu'à Londres. - Aviron (5/1/0): Déjà, un quota gagné de plus qu'à Londres et une dernière chance à Lucerne le 22 mai pour qualifier peut-être 2 ou 3 bateaux supplémentaires (M4-, M4X, W4X) - Badminton (2/0): Leverdez sera qualifié sans aucun doute. Pour le reste (femme, relais mixte), ça va se jouer à rien. Un quota sur, peut-être trois. - Basket (2/1): Les filles devraient se qualifier sans trop de soucis. pour les mecs, ça dépend de qui va à Manille. - Boxe (5/0): Déjà 3 qualifiés, ce qui est très bien. Reste les deux derniers TQO, dont un en Turquie (lolilol). A priori, plus d'espoir chez les filles (Mossely, Ourahmoune) - C/K - Ligne (5/0): On a déjà égalisé le nombre de qualifiés à Londres. Reste une course qualificative le 18 mai. AUcune idée de leur chance. - C/K - Slalom (4/2/2). Job done. Les 4 bateaux sont qualifiés. - Cyclisme - Route (9/0). Les quotas hommes sont déjà donnés (4 pour la course en ligne et 2 pour le CLM). Les filles devraient en récupérer 4 supplémentaires (3+1). To be continued...
  2. Road to Rio (as of march 20) Quotas: 130 Athletes: 256
  3. Comité National Olympique Sportif Français Founded: 1894 President: Denis Masseglia Federations: 131 Edited March 20, 2016 by De_Gambassi All-Time Olympic Medal Table Summer Games Games Athletes Gold Silver Bronze Total Rank 1896 Athens 13 5 4 2 11 4 1900 Paris 491 26 41 34 101 1 1904 St. Louis 1 0 0 0 0 – 1908 London 363 5 5 9 19 4 1912 Stockholm 119 7 4 3 14 5 1920 Antwerp 304 9 19 13 41 8 1924 Paris 401 13 15 10 38 3 1928 Amsterdam 255 6 10 5 21 7 1932 Los Angeles 103 10 5 4 19 3 1936 Berlin 201 7 6 6 19 5 1948 London 316 10 6 13 29 3 1952 Helsinki 245 6 6 6 18 7 1956 Melbourne 137 4 4 6 14 11 1960 Rome 238 0 2 3 5 25 1964 Tokyo 138 1 8 6 15 21 1968 Mexico City 200 7 3 5 15 6 1972 Munich 227 2 4 7 13 17 1976 Montreal 206 2 3 4 9 15 1980 Moscow 121 6 5 3 14 8 1984 Los Angeles 238 5 7 16 28 12 1988 Seoul 266 6 4 6 16 9 1992 Barcelona 339 8 5 16 29 9 1996 Atlanta 299 15 7 15 37 5 2000 Sydney 336 13 14 11 38 6 2004 Athens 308 11 9 13 33 7 2008 Beijing 323 7 16 18 41 10 2012 London 330 11 11 12 34 7 Winter Games Games Athletes Gold Silver Bronze Total Rank 1924 Chamonix 43 0 0 3 3 9 1928 St. Moritz 38 1 0 0 1 5 1932 Lake Placid 8 1 0 0 1 7 1936 Garmisch-Partenkirchen 28 0 0 1 1 10 1948 St. Moritz 36 2 1 2 5 5 1952 Oslo 26 0 0 1 1 12 1956 Cortina d'Ampezzo 32 0 0 0 0 – 1960 Squaw Valley 26 1 0 2 3 10 1964 Innsbruck 24 3 4 0 7 5 1968 Grenoble 75 4 3 2 9 3 1972 Sapporo 40 0 1 2 3 16 1976 Innsbruck 35 0 0 1 1 16 1980 Lake Placid 22 0 0 1 1 16 1984 Sarajevo 32 0 1 2 3 13 1988 Calgary 68 1 0 1 2 11 1992 Albertville 109 3 5 1 9 7 1994 Lillehammer 98 0 1 4 5 17 1998 Nagano 106 2 1 5 8 13 2002 Salt Lake City 114 4 5 2 11 6 2006 Turin 82 3 2 4 9 10 2010 Vancouver 108 2 3 6 11 12 2014 Sochi 116 4 4 7 15 10
  4. Meh... I couldn't care less... That's a strange feeling.
  5. I've no idea what you're talking about.
  6. Tradition. And we all know how much Poland cares about tradition.
  7. Yeah, pretty much. Whatever happens tonight, both teams will go through anyway.
  8. How many points do people expects to be enough to secure an OG qualification berth ?
  9. Which makes 18/18 for France and Russia.Russia will have a full squad without a doubt. We may join them, but it'll be close. Before the last GP, Anstett is the last Top 14 qualifier, and Rousset the last european one.
  10. Everything else than the endless wall of results wa had before is okish to me. I still faill to see the point of it, but I'm ok with the results the way hckosice is posting them for instance. Bottom line, having a very large database of results in the same place can be very valuable, but a forum is a very inefficient tool to achieve it.
  11. Marie Dorin might just assume her new staus from now. Dahlmeier not so toasted after all. Very glad For Makarienen. Next year, women's tour will be glorious.
  12. For the same reason they came up with these ridiculous tournaments formulas and the four or five different world something things we have now. They are only intrested in short term financial interests and to make the most of the relative small fan base they have. They are shutting the door to millions of potential new fans in new countries. They are basically digging volleyball's hole.
  13. Rowlandson Krou to the quarter finals . One step closer to (back to) Rio. Still a long way to go .
  14. Well, if we are not out before the last lap. It can easely happen.
  15. Norway is the biggest favorite for the men's relay. France doesn't have Norway's depth.
  16. Such a tense last lap. I really believed Marie could make it. Conhrats to Norway and Olsbu. Oh well, 9th medal in 8 races. Not bad Edit: Dahlmeier looks like she is toasted.
  17. Rowlandson Krou If only they could reach the quarter finals. Just one match
  18. It's allready our best WC ever. And still 4 races to go
  19. A couple of preliminary points: - Could you stop talking to people like they are some retarded children ? - This is not the place to have this discussion. Our messages should probably be moved to the doping thread. To the point: You are actually completly missing it. I don't deffend these athletes as clean, or don't say France doesn't have a doping problem. What I'm saying is taking these few exemples to conclude than France has a deeper doping problem than neighbouring countries is absurd Because of Baugé no show four years ago or Livio's horse, you can't simply conclude that Mare Dorin is a doper and Laura Dahlmeier is not. It doesn't make any sense. This is not a logical conclusion, but simply prejudice. There are thousands of athlets around the world the caliber of Moulinet, Bigot or Baugé and they all are getting controlled every year, yet, the vast majority of dopers (someone like Cindy Billaud who is an obvious case for exemple) are never getting caught The efficiency of each doping control is very small. thus, these few exemples, statistically, mean nothing. To conclude that a nation have more of a doping problem than an other one, you will probably need dozens, if not hundreds of similar cases (like in Russia's exemple). We do have a doping problem, Germany, also has one. Everybody does. And there is not anywhere enough evidence to conclude than we have a bigger one than say Germany or UK, or that french biathlon is more proned to doping than german's one.
  20. He played the three russian winning sets (rested during the first - lost - one), scoring 17 points. Quite influent, I'd say.
  21. Nah, you don't understand, it's a "disgusting" performance because of Gregory Baugé no show four years ago (makes total sense, trust me). If only, we had a good old russian/italian/ukranian/whaterver "clean" performance to save the day.
  22. Even for the FIVB, option 2 is too ridiculous to be agreed.
  23. Ok, then it's either nothing or Russia out of Rio. So, really, it means that nothing will happen.
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