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Totallympics Superstar
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Totallympics International Song Contest

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Everything posted by Agger

  1. Whooo. Vaccine booked for the 19th! Could have been already in a week but didn't work out with my plans.
  2. Stewards claiming that he was drunk. People around him (including from the Danish FA) saying otherwise. UEFA once again going against what they say! Disgusting!
  3. One single positive thing here was that Hendy finally got his national team goal. England winning the Euro would make me even more frustrated than about Portugal 5 years ago!
  4. Considering that England haven't won the Euro it has to be to one of the other teams?
  5. Trying to get tickets for one of the big screen events but the site keeps crashing. Everybody's in for this!
  6. Have you seen the English team? We certainly have a chance (but let Ukraine have a shot first )
  7. Kuipers not quite as good as the rest of the tournament. A few wrong calls.
  8. And don't underestimate the status in getting the yellow. Even for a star like VdP.
  9. Not rumors, it did (though I heard it was a truck). But sounds like the road is open again.
  10. EF climbers gone but the heavier guys still in the peloton?
  11. Archery: 1/5 Athletics: 7/48 Badminton: 5/5 Canoeing sprint: 4/12 Cycling Road: 4/4 Cycling track: 5/12 Cycling MTB: 2/2 Cycling BMX racing: 1/2 Equestrian: 4/6 Golf: 2/2 Handball: 1/2 Judo: 1/15 Rowing: 4/14 Sailing: 5/10 Shooting: 5/15 Skateboarding: 1/4 Swimming: 8/37 Table tennis: 1/5 Wrestling: 1/18 Total: 62 (18.3% of events) Pending: Athletics: Women's 5000m (Anna Emilie is qualified but I'm not sure she'll be going for it) Small chances to get added: Swimming: Women's 4x200 (doubt we'll take it) Tennis: Women's singles (guess we're first reserve) Triathlon: Women's race (2nd reserve)
  12. Fantastic match but the last 15 minutes also showed very well what's dislikable about Italy.
  13. Spinazzola out One of the most interesting defenders of the tournament!
  14. Danish commentators don't get the penalty. Felt very right to me.
  15. Well... Spain certainly need to be better that today if they want to be in the final!
  16. Spain has missed their last 5 penalties and Sommer is certainly confident. Could absolutely go Switzerland's way!
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