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Everything posted by Agger

  1. Yeah. Did expect a couple of clear eliminations in the first rounds but not a result before at least the 4th round.
  2. A winner already in the first round?
  4. I see that Swedish TV has an interview with her as well
  5. Had my time slot friday-sunday last week. Only managed to check it out friday afternoon due to being at a funeral and then the biathlon tickets that I considered was gone. But I got two ice hockey tickets and one for the cross-country team sprint (see you there, @heywoodu ) Planning to go for about a week starting in Milano where I hope to add one or two ice hockey matches or some speed skating and then most likely going to Bolzano from where I hope to add something in biathlon, cross-country or ski jumping.
  6. December 7 2020 (with the new sailing event and changes in race walking yet to be confirmed
  7. Another selection that will test if Trump has full control in his own party.
  8. Well. I'm sure they'll both find things to do that'll make themselves richer, though from what I understand it's more of advising role than an actual cabinet position. Had hoped that Ramaswamy ended up in the senate. Would certainly make it a more interesting target for the special election.
  9. I'm talking about how his denying the loss in 2020 fueled this. Pretty sure that you know that very well (it's just about half an hour since you replied to me saying that people on both sides claiming the other one cheated are fools)
  10. We certainly can agree that all of the US has a lot to learn about running an effective election. The Republicans usually don't help there. Usuallly (but not always) that's them making things harder and well, a bunch of death threats doesn't quite help the officials either. But both you and I know very well is that the main reason that those MAGA maniacs doesn't believe it is because they've been fed the lie by Trump, Kari Lake, Tucker and so on and so on without the slightest bit of care about the ones voting or the ones counting the votes.
  11. Take a look at Twitter (yeah, still not giving Musk that one)... Packed with MAGA maniacs saying that it's the dems are cheating again. Certainly seems logical to cheat down ballot (but still not enough to win the senate or the house) but still give Trump the win. Both groups claiming that it's cheating are fools, but there's a massive difference to 4 years ago when close to every single person with a role in the Republican and every conservative media personality went along with the big lie. That's what leads to people trying to overthrow the democracy. No doubt there'll be some left wingers using the situation to create a stirr, but anywhere near 4 years ago? Not at all.
  12. Being sad about a result isn't quite the same as not accepting... Haven't heard about any democrats trying to overturn the democratic election so far
  13. You sure seem like a nice guy...
  14. Oh well. Stupidity will always exist. Making a comparison of the exact numbers at a point where plenty of votes are still uncounted. I mean, California isn't much more than halfways. Would guess that Kamala at least passes 70 million when all votes are counted
  15. I just wonder... Wil Trump and his lovely friends (including dear Elon) be stopping the lying about the stolen election now that we saw a clear win in a fair election? Or will they be using it for the first step towards disassembling the democracy?
  16. Well... Fingers crossed that the US democracy survives for 4 additional years of Trump... The EU (and other European NATO countries will certainly have to move together now)
  17. So much for "everybody's laughing at us if we elect Harris"
  18. Ready for some football
  19. Found this one from 2018 Certainly seems like a major raise in the prices
  20. Would certainly screw up my plans as I'm going on Saturday
  22. I would say that it's about 50/50 whether I'll go to LA. In no way unlikely, but quite a few things need to be in place for it to happen
  23. And now we start the countdown. 1439 days left!
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