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Totallympics Superstar
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Everything posted by dareza

  1. ahhaha bolje da ne krecemo da racunamo
  2. Da mi je znati ko ga je slikao sa Venus Slika u fazonu, makse ti Venus sa strane, ja sam ovde bitam
  3. da, nazalost A njemu od svih u ovoj kategoriji jedino Japanac i Gruzijac ne leze uopste, sve ostale je pobedjivao. To se zove baksuz.
  4. Ja jedino vidim da Ana ne skida osmeh sa lica. Da li zbog udaje ili zbog tog timskog duha ne znam. Ali sija u svakom slucaju. Jos kad bi zasijala protiv Karle
  5. I've heard that there are no benefits. All lanes are very similar . Actually athletes had problems yesterday with huge winds and they expect that for 2 days will be similar conditions (and in days after that). So, maybe we can expect surprises in rowing.
  6. Perfect heats for our crews. Both crew with huge favorites in heats. That will be good test before sf.
  7. haha today is not our day at all
  8. Ni za Kukolja gore nije moglo. Jbg, nece nas ovaj zreb danas
  9. -100
  10. 81kg
  11. 73kg
  12. +78kg
  13. 78kg
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