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Totallympics International Song Contest

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Everything posted by bestmen

  1. oooooooooh electricity failure in roland garros ,no tv tranmission EDF en grève , vive la CGT
  2. The Algerian team "Nour M'Sila" won Thursdsay the West Asia wheelchair basketball championship
  3. RiverGateis one amateur group of rock , i like the music they make i chosed 2 songs for the festival RiverGate - Chains Of Memory RiverGate - Runaway
  4. he tried to explain why the man of the past was slower than now, right? i said "he is wrong" i give this example of the prehistoric man anyway the naturalization is cheating the doping is cheating also the technolgy that they use while training .......maybe the uniform too
  5. tomorrow the last qualifying event Masters of Guadalajara
  6. Mansouri the winner of the tour de TUnisia [ hide] [/hide]
  7. it's very long i will not watch it untill the end , but he is wrong the prehistoric man was faster than Usain Bolt the problem they officialize the western tets only ( i mean the doping)
  8. Tour of Tunisia 2016 the winner of the tour : Mansouri
  9. Bourada didn't win any medal he should get one if he doped he was negative cause we havan't these chimical product here ... they tried to destroy him if that's what they want sure he was positive LOL
  10. most of the medalists are positive their results are not human compare the world records of 50's -60's and now the difference is very very large cause now they use much drugs which were not available in the past so for me these Labs are cheaters they make athlets positive/negative like they want
  11. there are many proof , the best one :Lance Armstrong these western Labo confirmed that he was negative duraing 7 years ( he won 7 tour de france)
  12. so we should to believe other Labos even if they are wrong ?
  13. only russians are suspected of doping , what about the rest ? i remember this miserable accusation against the decathlonian Bourada the Laboratory here said he was negative but positive in europe i don't trust the occidental decisions /laboratories's totally politic
  14. Sofiane Hanni (KV Mechelen) wins Player of the Year award in Belgian league
  15. 2 it was my prediction but for Finland
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