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Everything posted by bestmen

  1. no fuel in france , the crizis begins
  2. Water in mars , is that real !!
  3. KSA decreases the petrol production...good decision
  4. was clear , USA did Nord Stream investigation finds evidence of detonations, Swedish police say
  5. U.S. Believes Ukrainians Were Behind an Assassination in Russia
  6. anyone has an aqua jutsu !!? ...please make a wall of water in the Medirerranee..
  7. belgorod means " the end of the world"
  8. and now , the Nuclear submarine "belgorod" disappeared ...rumours said it moves near Alaska
  9. Sure , they will launch it to the western part to avoid radiations ... zelinsky son of b...., all that is your fault
  10. Oh shhhhht , Russian nuclear train is going to Ukrain ....are you happy now ?
  11. the continent should react like that , no more manipulation
  12. In Burkina faso , people burnt the French embassy cause their alliance with dictator
  13. Civilian war is coming in brazil
  14. Heywoody in the shop :...sir ,How much this dymovaya truba ? seller in slovak : už je predaný
  15. The appelation in english is strange : fireplace
  16. The price of wood-burning fireplace will increase in europe
  17. its official at 80% , USA exploded the pipeline
  18. J'été sur mes gardes that you will search in google yes but what the ن means ?
  19. Go to the twitter of Giorgia Meloni , you will see this Arabic letter ن the one who knows what that means will get a gift
  20. Polish politician suggests US sabotaged Russia-Germany gas pipelines
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