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  1. ^We won by 30 points. The crowd kept chanting "Turkiye-Turkiye" but we had the last laugh in the end Sadly our best guard, Eleftherios Liotopoulos, got injured and will be out for the rest of the tournament. Our girls lost to Israel, so they got relegated. I also wonder if a team has ever won 3 games and still gotten relegated? We must be breaking all kinds of records with this team
  2. 2022 European Rowing Championships Gold: Antonios Papakonstantinou (men's lightweight single sculls) Silver: Evangelia Anastasiadou (women's single sculls) Zoi Fitsiou (women's lightweight single sculls) Stefanos Ntouskos (men's single sculls)
  3. I underestimated our chances in the end, we got 4 medals, the most since 2011 for us. Papakonstantinou gold which was pretty much expected. Fitsiou silver which was a nice surprise, I didn't really expect it but was hoping she could sneak a bronze. Anastasiadou silver which is amazing considering she is 20 years old, 165 cm and won silver in the women's sculls beating the likes of Foester and Lobnig. Ntouskos silver, I hope he can really continue to increase his medal collection over the next few years. Kalandaridis/Palaiopanos 5th in the men's double which is a respectable result for the young crew in a tough event. Overall a good regatta for Greece (which could have been a disaster after several of our rowers tested positive for Covid and had to withdraw), we've won several medals at all four major regattas so far this year (and gold in each, actually this was the only time we only won one gold). I'm curious to see how much these young athletes between now and Paris 2024.
  4. Congratulations on the gold! I'm happy Ntouskos won the silver, but it's bittersweet as he was so close to gold. Still, it was Ntouskos' second medal at the senior level (his first was the Olympic gold last year), which is really good, especially since a particular German on this site was calling his gold last year suspicious... The cameramen are embarrassing. They showed Foester (bronze) before Anastasiadou (silver) in the women's single which was annoying but I understood as Foester is German and this is in Germany. However, they did not show Ntouskos' celebration once! They showed Vasilev (bronze) and Zeidler (4th) reacting after the finish line, but never once did we get to see Ntouskos' reaction/celebration. Absolutely shameful. If this was in Greece, I can't imagine what the Germans would say if we did not show their silver medalist but showed the bronze and 4th place... I watch a lot of rowing and I've never seen them show the bronze medalist and 4th place but not the silver medalist...
  5. I'm glad she posted this. She is right. This sport is a joke!
  6. Also our u16 men's team seems impressive, they beat Spain 75-47 yesterday. I don't know much about this age group but Spain is always good so to win and by such a large margin is very good. We are currently playing in Skopje against the hosts. They were whistling and screaming against our u16 players, kind of ridiculous as they are young kids but I am not at all surprised. There was a similar situation at a women's handball match there a few years ago where our girls (I think u17 or u15) were being yelled at with racial slurs. FIBA also put the country name in the title as "Macedonia" without "North," although they fixed it now (only after a lot of backlash). People from both countries were acting very crazy in the live chat so FIBA had to disable the chat for all. Sad to see. Anyways, we are leading with 25-8 right now so I don't think we care as long as we maintain our lead
  7. We beat Bosnia and Israel beat Sweden. This means that Bosnia and Sweden are both relegated to Division B. Greece vs Israel tomorrow in the 13th place game will determine which team stays in Division A and which gets relegated...
  8. Another European final for Theodora Drakou, this time in the women's 50 backstroke She's finished 4th/5th at least 4 times in her career, but never won a medal. She said that is the one medal she is chasing which is why she continued after Tokyo and will swim until Paris. Sadly I don't think she has a chance to win a medal in the final but you never know!
  9. 4th for Ntountounaki, lately we are becoming Canada 2.0 with all of these 4th place finishes in every sport
  10. Same here, it would be unbearable to follow our medias in case we would not have made it
  11. Olympiacos survived on penalties to beat Slovan Bratislava
  12. Ο Κωνσταντίνος Λαμπρίδης αναδείχθηκε Πρωταθλητής Ευρώπης U17 στην κατηγορία των 61κ., σηκώνοντας 249 κιλά στο σύνολο. Σπουδαία εμφάνιση από τον Κωνσταντίνο Λαμπρίδη που έφερε διάκριση στην ελληνική άρση βαρών μετά από πολύ καιρό. Ο νεαρός αθλητής αναδείχθηκε πρωταθλητής Ευρώπης στα 61 κιλά, καθώς σήκωσε 249 κιλά στο σύνολο! Ο Λαμπρίδης δεν ξεκίνησε καλά χάνοντας την πρώτη προσπάθεια στο αρασέ στα 105 κιλά. Ωστόσο στη δεύτερη τα σήκωσε και μετά τα κατάφερε και στα 109 κιλά, κατακτώντας το χάλκινο μετάλλιο. Στο ζετέ, όμως, δεν είχε αντίπαλο και ξεκινώντας από τα 134 κιλά και μετά σήκωσε 140, επίδοση που ήταν αρκετή για το χρυσό μετάλλιο, τόσο στη κίνηση, όσο και στο σύνολο. Δοκίμασε και στα 142 χωρίς επιτυχία αλλά ούτως ή άλλως ήταν ο πρώτος στην Ευρώπη, πετυχαίνοντας τεράστια επιτυχία για την ελληνική άρση βαρών. «Είμαι πολύ χαρούμενος για τη διάκριση που πέτυχα. Θα ήθελα να ευχαριστήσω όσους συνέβαλαν σε αυτή, την Ομοσπονδία, τους προπονητές και το σύλλογο μου, στη συγκεκριμένη περίπτωση μάλιστα, προπονητής είναι ο μπαμπάς μου. Τη διάκριση αυτή θέλω να την χαρίσω στην Ελλάδα», είπε μετά την κατάκτηση του χρυσού ο Λαμπρίδης. Στην κατηγορία των 61 κιλών στους U15 ο Στέφανος Τρακόσσας ήταν 9ος με 187 κιλά στο σύνολο, με 80 στο αρασέ και 107 στο ζετέ.
  13. All six of our crews made the A Finals Bourmpou/Fragkou finished 6th as expected. Papakonstantinou looking like a lock to win a medal in the men's lightweight single. Kalandaridis/Palaiopanos a pleasant surprise after they previously struggled in the men's category, they look like a 50/50 chance to win a medal. Ntouskos I think is likely to win a medal too but not certain. Even Fitsiou might win a medal. I can't see Anastasiadou win a medal which is frustrating because if we put her in the lightweight single and stead of the single, she would've been the clear favourite to win gold... Also interesting that Ahmet Rapi representing Sweden actually grew up in Greece. Never would have guessed it based on the name of course
  14. Gave me false hope that our 17 yo Apostolos Siskos made the final, but instead he finished 9th since Ndoye got back in
  15. Emmanouilidou out due to injury. She was only going to be competing in our women's 4x100 team. Such a shame as I really thought we would make the final, but as always at least one of our best girls is injured so our relay team can never show their full potential We don't have enough depth to make the final without her I fear... Also Vasiliou out (400 and 4x400). This was supposed to be her last competition although she also said that at the World Indoors. Somehow I think we will see her until Paris 2024. It's a shame our 4x400 team will struggle without her, although ever since Belibasaki disappeared we had no chance of making the Olympics anyways.
  16. This time it was Vasiliki Alexandri, the third Greek triplet competing for Austria, who won bronze in the solo with 90.0156, and our girl Evangelia Platanioti got 4th with 89.9965 So embarrassing that these sisters went to compete for Austria and ended up becoming better than all of our girls who stayed in Greece...
  17. Mixed championships for Greece so far. Bourmpou/Fragkou into the final in the women's pair, but they have not looked convincing at all. I'd be shocked if they won a medal, which is disappointing as Bourmpou won bronze at the European Championships at the same boat class in 2020 as a 19 year old. Still, it was good for them to win the World U23 title this year and I'm sure they'll win the European U23 title in a few weeks' time. Fitsiou into the final in the women's lightweight single. I don't expect a medal from her but this is her biggest final ever. Anastasiadou competing in the women's single (!!!) after her partner Kontou had Covid and they had to pull out of the lightweight double. I'm not sure why they didn't just move Fitsiou to the lightweight double (as her and Anastasiadou have competed together in the past) or put Anastasiadou in the lightweight single (where she would 99% win a medal) and make Fitsiou go in the single (as she probably won't win a medal anyways). However, Anastasiadou is doing great, she won her heat defeating Gmelin and Foester which is really impressive considering she is only 20 yo and a lightweight rower. Dalidou/Natsioula had to withdraw from the women's double because they got Covid. I was curious to see how they'd do at this level after winning the European juniors and World juniors and setting a World junior record. I guess we'll have to wait until next year, unless we put them in the World Championships but I guess the European U23s would be more likely (if they can recover by then). Ntouskos won his heat in the men's single. It is his first big regatta since winning gold in Tokyo (he was supposed to compete in one of the World Cup events but he got Covid). The goal for him should be to just win a medal. His gold in Tokyo is his only senior medal so far, so it would be good to just get on the podium especially since he took a break after Tokyo so I had doubts as to his condition/form. Papakonstantinou won his heat in the men's lightweight single by 13+ seconds. He'll definitely make the final and is a good chance for a medal. He disappeared a little after his U23 success, so I'm happy to see him back and doing well. Kalandaridis/Palaiopanos finished 2nd in their heat in the men's double and advanced to the semifinal. I think the goal should be to make the final and I believe they will. A medal may be out of reach but both are still relatively young and the men's double is a very competitive event so no shame in that. Disappointed to not see Stergiakas on this team after he came back to the sport last year and won gold with Palaiopanos in the men's double at the World U23s. I guess he disappeared again...
  18. Our U18 women's team might make history at the European Championships (Division A). We won our group and then lost in the round of 16 and in the 9-16 classification game, so now we have to play the 13-16 classification games. If we end up being one of the three teams relegated (very likely at this point), I wonder if we will be the first team to ever get relegated at a European Championships after winning the group. Surely it has to be a first, especially as the format changed a few years ago and prior to that this was not possible. What an incredible achievement for our girls
  19. Unfortunately we lost 10-8, congrats to USA!
  20. Δεύτερη δύναμη στον κόσμο η Εθνική νεανίδων, έχασε από τις ΗΠΑ με 10-8 στον τελικό στο Βελιγράδι, παρά την μεγάλη προσπάθεια να γυρίσει το ματς.
  21. It's Greece vs USA in the final, we already beat them 15-14 in the group stage. Whoever wins will be the first country to ever win this tournament twice (we won the inaugural tournament in 2012).
  22. We are in the final! We beat Hungary 10-9. We led 10-5 and choked but we were able to hold on in the end for the win.
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