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Everything posted by OlympicsFan

  1. So what are you saying? a) The scientists were just doing research on the virus and it accidentally transferred to humans or b) They genetically engineered the virus and it then transferred to humans (due to inadequate personal protection? I am surprised that apparently China only has one BSL-4, while ... - Brazil, Belarus, Switzerland, Sweden, South Africa and even Gabon also have one each - India and Australia both have 2 - GB has at least 3 - Germany has at least 4 - The US has 14 that are planned/currently active I am also not sure how „clever“ it is to have a laboratory like that in a big city, but apparently it is the same in other countries. Germany for example has one BSL-4 in Hamburg and one in Berlin, the US has one in San Antonio, one in Boston and one in Atlanta, Brazil has one in São Paulo, France has one in Lyon, GB has one in London, Italy has one in Rome, Belarus has one in Minsk, Russia has one in Moscow, India has one in Hyderabad, Australia has one in Melbourne and Japan has one in Tokyo.
  2. Who created that challenge and what exactly is the challenge? Also: How dare you to select a song by Led Zeppelin other than "Immigrant Song" (their best song ever by the way ...)
  3. If we are only talking about novels and not poetry/philosophy/science, then my two favorite books are: The Trial (Franz Kafka) and Notes from Underground (Fyodor Dostoevsky) Sadly i haven't read too many of Dostoevsky's books so far, so maybe some of his other works will join that list later on. I also haven't read those books in english, so i can't say how good they are in that version. Unfortunately i haven't read a lot over the past couple of years, since i have become pretty "lazy" in that regard (nowadays i prefer watching documentaries). It is also absolutely impossible to read all the great books (or even a significant fraction of it) in only one lifetime, so you have to chose very wisely ...
  4. Obviously ... i never claimed anything else. My point was: If you would create a bioweapon, you would probably take a deadly virus and change it in a way that it spreads more easily/has a longer incubation period. The other alternative would be to take a very contagious virus and make it more deadly. This virus has a mortality rate of roughly 0.3 %, while some other viruses kill between 30 and 50 % of all infected people. I also think that if you would create of bioweapon, you would at the same time create a treatment/vaccine. I am not saying that the virus definitely didn't come from a laboratory or wasn't engineered, but i am pretty sure that it isn't some bioweapon (that was released on purpose).
  5. If noone would take him/what he says seriously, then he would have never become president and probably wouldn't be the favorite to win the next election too. It is hard to believe, but there are actually millions of americans who believe what he says. I also have to say that Joe Biden isn't much better. Of course he normally is less offensive than Trump, but during the past couple of months it became pretty obvious that he also pretty much lost control over his mind. I am not sure why american people are so obsessed with being governed by old (white) men who clearly have some "cognitive issues" ... ?
  6. While i think that it is certainly possible that this virus came from a lab (coincidentally China's only level 4 microbiology lab is in Wuhan ...), i am pretty confident that this virus isn't some man-made weapon. If the plan would have been to create a bioweapon, then you would have used a more deadly pathogen like Ebola or Lassa virus. In addition to that you wouldn't "release" the virus in the country where it was created, you would "release" it in some completely different part of the world, so that noone can ever trace it back to you. Here are two articles that also doubt that the virus originated in a lab: Naturally it is very difficult to prove where a virus didn't come from, when you don't know where it came from or who was patient zero ...
  7. Here is a table with the number of foreign Covid-19 patients currently treated in german hospitals: 107 patients from France, 32 patients from Italy and 40 patients from the Netherlands Bavaria (Bayern) and Berlin didn't report any numbers, but i am pretty sure that both of those states also have some foreign patients currently. I hope that the lockdown in Germany will soon loosen up, considering that there seem to be many empty beds in german hospitals.
  8. Thanks. Do you have any idea why Germany took on so many dutch patients then?
  9. Not sur if it counts, but both the FIFA and the FIBA Youtube channels have uploaded some "classics" recently: FIFA for example uploaded Netherlands vs. Mexico (2014 world cup), France vs. Argentina (2018 world cup), Nigeria vs. Italy (1994 world cup), Portugal vs. Spain (2018 world cup), Brazil vs. Argentina (1990 world cup), France vs. Italy (2006 world cup), Netherlands vs. Brazil (2010 world cup), Brazil vs. France (1986 world cup), Spain vs. Netherlands (2014 world cup) and also the official movies for the 2014 and 2018 world cups. FIBA uploaded USA vs. Serbia (2014 world cup), Spain vs. Slovenia (2017 eurobasket), Yugoslavia vs. Argentina (2002 world cup) and a "movie" about the history of the world cup.
  10. @heywoodu: How is it looking in the Netherlands? Today i read that one german state alone (Nordrhein-Westfalen) has already treated 39 patients from the Netherlands and that the number dramatically increased over the past week. Are your hospitals overrun?
  11. You don't seem to know it yet, but there is only one correct answer for the winner in men's road race/time trial: Remco Evenepoel. This kid was already great in 2019, just imagine how much better he will be in 2021. Daria Bilodid also seems like a pretty safe bet, but i don't agree about Nathalie Moellhausen, my prediction would be Yiwen Sun (although i will cheer for Coraline Vitalis).
  12. So what about some of the best tv shows of all time? Sopranos, The Wire, Six Feet Under ... you never even watched them?
  13. Yes (in my opinion). I had a similar experience a couple of years ago. I watched one or two episodes, but found it to be too "slow", so i stopped. Later on i gave it another try and watched the whole series in a couple of weeks. This is also one of very few shows (in my opinion) that knew when to end (most say it has one of the best endings of any tv shows ever), so even the last season didn't decrease in quality.
  14. Now that we are the owner of Italy, do we get the copyright for pizza and ice ream?
  15. I already told you that back then, you could have listened to me and saved your money ... Now please listen to me this time at least: Neither Inception nor Interstellar is that great either ...
  16. I really like the idea of this thread, but i would prefer to only predict the actual medallists in each event and not all the results of all the preliminary rounds.
  17. Why Brazil 2016 and not for example Spain 2008 - 2012? Edit: I guess you only meant teams that actually played at the olympics and not the greatest teams overall? Even in that case i don't know why you named the 2016 brazilian teams, considering that they barely beat a pretty trash german team.
  18. If Interestellar and Inception is your standard for greatness, then i guess i am in for a big disappointment when i decide to watch "Arrival" ...
  19. Haven't seen it, but Amy Adams is in it, so it must be a great movie. Thanks for the recommendation. Edit: Wasn't your favorite movie "Gladiator" just a couple of months ago ... ?
  20. Some preliminary result from a study conducted in Heinsberg (the region in Germany that was hit the hardest): They randomly tested 500 people and found out that 15 % of them had been infected. If we assume that 15 % of all people in this region have already been infected, then it would mean that 37500 people have been infected, while officially only 1500 people have tested positive. This would mean that the actual number of infected people is 25 times higher than the official number. The study also suggests that the real death rate therefore is 0.37 %. Earlier the scientist who conducted this study also said that they took samples from different objects (door knobs etc.) in a household with infected people and that they weren't able to cultivate the virus in the laboratory, which probably means that it is extremely "difficult" to get infected via objects.
  21. Sorry, but there is EXACTLY ONE player on that list who might have been world class in 2018: Keylor Navas Kagawa and Chicharito were world-class a long time ago (maybe Lichtsteiner and Kolarov too) Ziyech was world-class last season, but this was the only season when he ever was world class If this is your definition of world-class, then there are probably a couple thousand world-class players ...
  22. 1) You were saying that the US and GB might very well be top 2 in terms of healthcare sytem. If you would tell that to the people in the US (30 million people without health insurance) or GB (ridiculously low number of ICU beds per 100.000 compared to Germany for example) they would probably think that you are joking. 2) I have no problem with making a conclusion about a ranking that has 100 % been proven wrong by reality. The US and GB are top 2 in the ranking, but in reality they are closer to bottom 2 (in terms of dealing with this pandemic). Of course their political leaders also played their part, but the things i mentioned in 1) played a major role and you don't have to be a nuclear physicist to know that 10 % of your population not having health insurance or your country having only roughly 1/5th of the ICU beds per 100.000 compared to Germany leaves you pretty vulnerable to a pandemic. I also have absolutely no clue how anyone can think that countries that haven't dealt with an epidemic like this (at least somewhat recently) (GB, the US), would be better prepared than countries (South Korea, Taiwan, Singapore and to some degree Japan) that have been through this multiple times in the past two decades alone. Edit: Maybe this ranking was based on a pandemic where noone would get sick ... then it might be accurate, but in a scenario were a large number of people get ill at the same time, there is absolutely no way that any expert would think that GB (and to some degree the US) is better prepared than all of Switzerland/South Korea/Japan/Singapore/Germany/Norway/...
  23. What? Countries like GB, Sweden or the Netherlands are pretty low on the list of ICU beds per 100000. Those countries might have some of the most "cost-effective" health care systems in the world, but certainly not some of the "best prepared" health care systems. Also the US without a doubt has the least "cost-effective" health care system in the world. They are spending the most and still roughly 10 % of their people aren't even insured. If you really think that the american or british health care system is great, then you obviously have no clue.
  24. Reverse ranking? The US, UK and the Netherlands are among the countries that have had the worst response to this. You might as well put Italy on 1, Spain on 2 and France on 3 ... meanwhile Norway is way done the list and Iceland for example is nowhere to be seen ...
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