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Totallympics International Song Contest

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Everything posted by Canada4thewin

  1. Hopefully we Will have some surprise medals that are not expected
  2. Yes he is in the leaders group right now Edit whoops i spoke too fast lol
  3. I tried watching surfing earlier. Am i alone thinking that this is very boring to watch. I thought we had Canadians competing ?
  4. I was wondering why she haven’t showed up. Hopefully she will be ok for the next races.
  5. So much sports to follow lol i was at the gymnastics than Switch to Volley-ball then Rowing then fencing then softball not all is good though
  6. I don’t think we have classified or ever won something in this event. Lol ?
  7. I watched the first soccer game of Canada this morning. I think they are good but I don’ know if it will be enough. Let’s wait and see. softball team looks good though.
  8. Wow what a great summary a million thanks for this.
  9. So it is the time for some canadian music. CANADIAN ENTRY FOR TISC 2019 @intoronto and I decided to pick a song from our Bryan Adams. This song was the song was chosen by the Canadian Olympic Commitee when they bid for the 2010 Vancouver Olympic Games. so here it is HERE I AM
  10. Well according to him, everybody chooses the USA. To each their own though....
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