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Everything posted by Canada4thewin

  1. lol Only 4 goals, you're right this is a disaster
  2. Congrats to the German boys very well done Now our boys against France this morning. WTG Canada
  3. As long as Canada is in the final I don't mind the opponent
  4. What is going on with the US team they should win this
  5. Hopefully we will win againgst Germany on thursday
  6. Woohoo very Well done Czech team i know the feeling so sweet.
  7. Do we have the top 3 Canadian moments also?
  8. Wow I didn't know that South Korea played hockey This is nice
  9. Very well said. No matter the nation someone that is cheating with drugs needs to be ban.
  10. Ice hockey Figure skating Speed skating but i love watching all the sports.
  11. Wow i don't remember the last Time We didn't make the Olympics. So disappointed.
  12. Wow, I love our team already. but the sweater ugh! lol
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