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Everything posted by Canada4thewin

  1. Swimming is my favourite sport to watch along with Ice hockey Diving and Athletics. I would watch it everyday lol
  2. Stupid livestream having problems again.
  3. People are so mean. This is so disgisting hearing about this. And then some people wonder how come a person is going through depression.
  4. I have no words except that it's awful and totally delusionnal of them. I am disgusted.
  5. Wow what a statement.
  6. Totally agree. The fact that we are there is amazing itself. I will just enjoy watching them pla, and I will be happy.
  7. Just being there is a huge accomplishment. Very happy
  8. Are they joking ???? He really said that ????
  9. This is so horrific that I am speechless.
  10. All these poor innocent people paying the price for this mad psychopath is totally breaking my heart in 1000 pieces.
  11. Ugh this is an awful way to win a game.
  12. I can't help but feel sorry for Valieva. She is the victim in this. I totally blame her coaches. What a mess.
  13. Wow this is scary. How come she is still a coach is beyond me. This woman is totally crazy.
  14. So the other teams won't get their medal ? Wow, this is totally awful.
  15. Yep at this rate they should get them the right to compete under the Russian flag again. It doesn’t make any difference. There always will be a double standard if it was a Canadian who had been caught they would have been out without any thoughts.
  16. When are they going to give a decision? It seems to take forever.
  17. It's exactly what I thought. It doesn't make any sense. This is pretty awful. I just can't believe that Russia is doing all these cheating again. They don't seem to learn from their mistakes at all.
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