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Totallympics Superstar
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Everything posted by DaniSRB

  1. that would be unfair also, some teams have very weak last teams in group, but FIBA already made ridiculous decisions....
  2. in one forum, but not surre how is accurate
  3. @Sindo, is it possible that they will upload old Games? i can't find anywhere water polo bronze medal match from Sydney
  4. is it true that in next round will be also transfered points vs teams that did not qualify?
  6. I don't believe bestmen was honest when said that rigged votes. Imo he is one of users who are the most interested in contest but has his own way of showing it
  7. Verovatno zove ove zbog iskusta ali nekia ne pomaze
  8. Nadam se samo da Sale nije ovo ''smislio'' da dobije otkaz
  9. Vanja dobija ove od kojih Tijana gubi :/
  10. ja imam utisak da oni nekad namerno manipulisu da se stvori negativna atmosfera pa to
  11. ja nzm sto mediji tipa b92 i pisu o tekvondu kad ce se naci glupaci koji ce da pljuju po njima, a ne znaju nista
  13. aha inace ovaj sajt nije los sto se informacija tice
  14. Па и квалификацијама и пуцају сами, зар не?
  15. да су ОИ били би негде на зачељу и квалификацијама
  16. ovi miksev su bili zanimljiviji po starim pravilima, sad su bzvz
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