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Totallympics Superstar
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Totallympics International Song Contest

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Everything posted by DaniSRB

  1. i novi uspeh Dusana
  2. Men's European Championship 2018: Top 8 from last EC directly qualified: Through 2nd qualification round qualified: Women's European Championship 2018: Top 6 from last EC directly qualified: There were also two qualification rounds, through 2nd round qualified:
  3. Vaterpolistkinje se kvalifikovale, 6-1 u drugom mecu
  4. Kolasinac od kad je usao u politiku dobro i 20m da prebaci
  5. Marton is also double Hungarian champion in weightlifting
  6. ne smetaju meni sportisti, oni treba i da vode savez, ali ne oni koji su tu na osnovu politicke pripadnosti, vec na osnovu kvalifikacija i sportskih uspeha
  7. bice prilike da li postoji neki klub u CG?
  8. SERBIA Nevena Božović - Jasno mi je It's Clear To Me Give me your hands now that we're all alone Make me smile once again I'd love that To dream of you, I can't even dream of you anymore I'm afraid you'll disappear in the end and that you'll leave me Chorus: This love isn't, isn't for me this just isn't, isn't for me anymore All hope is lost with just one look It's clear to me who's kissing you now Who's kissing you now I'm still searching for that look that disappeared in the darkness (and) the silence that's getting lost in the noise that we are creating To dream of you I can't even dream of you anymore I'm afraid you'll disappear in the end and that you'll leave me Everything's clear to me Everything's clear to me Chorus: This love isn't, isn't for me this just isn't, isn't for me anymore All hope is lost with just one look It's clear to me who's kissing you now Chorus: This love isn't, isn't for me this just isn't, isn't for me anymore All hope is lost with just one look It's clear to me who's kissing you now English version of the song (lyrics is not the same)
  9. svi, i seniori i juniori lakse bi bilo da kazes koga ne prepoznajes
  10. svi bi da se uhlebe na drzavne jasle
  11. Da
  12. Ne znam, ali mislim da ce joj trebati pomoc nekih iskusnijih takmicarki
  13. I will let someone else to open this time
  14. za dve muske je dosta tesko, mora jos neko da skuplja bodove Jelena mora na SRL da bude u 80. i Jovani ce trebati pomoc
  15. Novi poeni za Dusana
  16. he is surprise for me in this season, i hope will be called in national team
  17. @VolleyRuller96, how do you see game of Nikola Mijailovic?
  18. samo da ne bude kao sa vaterpolom i kerlingom
  19. ja pretpostavljam da je tacno i ono sto i on i oni govori samo eto ispali su toliki ljudi da su u javnost morali prljav ves izneti
  20. pola kadra ds-a je preleteo u sns a i sam sns nije bio podoban policajcima dok nisu raskrstili sa srs, koje takodje smartam prevarom od stranke u svakom slucaju svi su oni isti.........a narod trpi
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