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Totallympics International Song Contest

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Everything posted by DaniSRB

  1. ima EP do 18 godina, ali nzm da li ona moze sa 14
  2. 14 nzm da li se 500 ili 600g baca na SP za juniore do 20 godina? ali svakako ne moze zbog godina
  3. prosle godine bi na SP do 18 bila srebrna
  4. A koje je ovo koplje, 400 ili 500g?
  5. logo is a great idea TISC is also Totallympics brand and something quote unique for sports forum
  6. Do you think Totallympics Song Contest need new section instead to be in Off topic?
  7. earlier this year Sabit Hadzic, basketball, Olympic bronze medalist
  8. Branislav Pokrajac, olympic champion in handball
  9. eh, mnoge ateticarke su se vratile posle porodjaja i sportiskinje uopste
  10. izgleda da ce se i ovaj iz 2017 racunati, ali videcemo kad nasi to pojasne sve na GS ucestvuje malo takmicara
  11. Can someone explaine this part of taekwondo qualifications? WT Grand Slam Champions Series: A total of 8 athletes (4 male and 4 female) will be qualified for the Olympic Games through the WT Grand Slam Champions Series. The highest ranked athlete in each weight category on merit points standing of WT Grand Slam Champions Series after the Grand Slam Champions Series of January 2020 will qualify one (1) quota place each for their NOC for the Olympic Games. In case of a tie in the number of merit point standing points among qualifiers, the athlete who competed more number of World Taekwondo Grand Slam Champions Series including qualification tournament will receive quota place. Do they mean there will be one or more tournaments?
  12. A total of 40 athletes (20 male and 20 female) will be qualified for the Olympic Games through the WT Olympic Ranking. The top five (5) ranked athletes in each weight category on the WT Olympic Ranking which reflected result until Grand Prix Final of December 2019 will qualify one (1) quota place each for their NOC for the Olympic Games. A total of 8 athletes (4 male and 4 female) will be qualified for the Olympic Games through the WT Grand Slam Champions Series. The highest ranked athlete in each weight category on merit points standing of WT Grand Slam Champions Series after the Grand Slam Champions Series of January 2020 will qualify one (1) quota place each for their NOC for the Olympic Games. In case of a tie in the number of merit point standing points among qualifiers, the athlete who competed more number of World Taekwondo Grand Slam Champions Series including qualification tournament will receive quota place.
  13. sistem za tekvondo se malo promenio 5 preko rang liste i 1 pobednik grend slema, ostali preko kontinentalnih kvalifikacija
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