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Everything posted by ChandlerMne

  1. I keep hearing police siren. Plus another fan entered the field.
  2. Probably is. Any service that provides whole coverage of Games with decent fee is a good option. But soccer thing is def my big turn off. I am not interested in live coverage of bigger sports so my choice will be Eurosport. Ok, there will be RTS for Serbian teams. After games finish, i hope that Games will be available on Olympic Channel app. Thats my plan in a nutshell. You pay Netflix? It should be good for new stuff, dont know about rare and classic films.
  3. Michael Jung and Werth present, thats important.
  4. Italy has history of volleyball deaths. I still remember Vigor Bovolenta. Such a great player. I am glad that doctors did good work with Anzani, health is more important than Games.
  5. I dont give a f... about totalitarian systems like USSR was. They were governed by radical leftists, nothing to add. All i need is some ethics and common sense, 2 things almost all leftists parties dont have. Not that right ones are much better either. In French case, people voted against ultranationalists, not for Macron and other leftists. Thus, i am highly positive that they didnt live prosperous life under Macron. Their choice anyway. All i see is that whole Europe is more and more decadent, in all senses. Who to blame...different topic.
  6. All we need is more (extreme) left in European politics.
  7. Max named football a soccer??? Now i wouldnt subscribe even if it was free.
  8. Bez obzira sto je MHSN odlicno upucen u problematiku, mislim da ce Njemac upasti prije Kadzaje. To bi i bilo ispravno. Bio je ispred njega, nema se sta tu previse zaliti. Imao je Kadzaja dosta sansi, sam je kriv.
  9. Meh... France didnt show anything and they still made it to the semis.
  10. France should lose this. Not that Portugal was much better but at least they were trying.
  11. Ronaldo will miss penalty, i am highly positive.
  12. Inace, mislim da je vrijeme da otvorimo temu za Igre. Iako bih volio da imamo teme za pojedinacne sportove, racionalnije je sve objediniti u jednu.
  13. Da, Elzan je mogao i do direktne kvote, ali uvijek nesto fali kod njega. Nikako da zasija punim sjajem. Mislim da su u savezu lose procijenili zavrsnicu kvalifikacija. Armin je svakako van neke ozbiljne price, tesko da bi prebacio 21m.
  14. Koliko znam, bilo je ocekivano da dobije kvotu a zvanicno je objavljeno tek danas.
  15. Milica Sekulovic osvojila bronzu na juniorskom prvenstvu Evrope u rvanju. Vrlo solidan nastup, pobijedila je Ukrajinku u mecu za 3 mjesto, dosta ubjedljivo. Ime koje treba upamtiti.
  16. All we need is Turkish ultranationalism... Not that we dont have terrible crisis all over the world, Otomanic revival to top it all.
  17. Vidim da je u tekvondou kod muskaraca svuda isti broj takmicara, tj 17. Pretpostavljam da se ce WT do kraja drzati principa da u svim kategorijama bude isti broj takmicara, pa ako Bjelorusa ubace, Lev definitivno ispada.
  18. Thanks for the reply. Thought so. Did you find anything about postgames period? Maybe its still early though.
  19. Maybe not the best topic to ask, but i didnt find better solution. Will Olympic Channel broadcast the Games? Will it be available in its entirety like in Tokyo or partially, like in Rio?
  20. Slazem se ja sa tim. Ali mislim da stoji ovo sto sam rekao. Ognjen je za TT, a ne za RR. Klasicni mismatch.
  21. Nisam ekspert ali ne pozvati Rajovica koji je na ozbiljnim trkama na Turu znao da bude vrlo solidan je van svake pameti. Kotirati drzavno iznad medjunarodnih trka je tako tipicno nas potez i nasa logika. Ilic je hronometras, na jednodnevnim trkama je daleko slabiji. Vrlo realno da nema kapaciteta za trku od 6 sati. Skoro sigurno ce odustati. Potpuni besmisao ali dobro...
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