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Totallympics Superstar
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Totallympics International Song Contest

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Everything posted by ChandlerMne

  1. Does anyone share the feeling that these 3 hours are more likely 5 or 6?
  2. And to top it all - Bach and Macron will probably suffocate with their speaches. Long, boring, pointless speaches.
  3. Muzika je dobra, mada su je desekrirali sa ovim trandzama.
  4. I like France a lot. At least, many parts of their culture. But this ceremony altogether showed only and i mean ONLY their decadence.
  5. Mene je sramota ovoga. Dno dna u svakom pogledu. Peking je san snova
  6. Again for the catwalk. This is longest segment EVER. It would be interesting to see whole duration.
  7. Not many delegations left. I hope they chose wisely for torch ceremony.
  8. Drum sequence is still vividly remembered by yours truly
  9. Its like beheading they previuosly showed or some inquisition torture method. Iron Maiden is like a spa treatment compared to this.
  10. They deserve 0/10 for fashion show. Worst part is - it never ends.
  11. Palestine and LGBT catshow... Right next to eachother
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