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Everything posted by ChandlerMne

  1. Thanks! He would be a favorite, i think. Other Greek was also great.
  2. B92 redakcija ocigledno vapi za pravim novinarima. Ladno su Cabolova proglasili osvajacem bronze iako tek treba da se bori.
  3. Ketag Cabolov se bori za bronzu. Imao je par dobrih borbi. Ukrajinac ipak dosta bolji. Micic rano izgubio.
  4. Useful one indeed. Ads are annoying, must say that.
  5. There are full results
  6. YT wont broadcast it, for sure. You can also try Facebook page of EWF.
  7. After i wrote post, i checked fixtures and reassured myself. Thanks! I thought that GB would be better this time.
  8. I thought that Serbia will be relegated, but they managed to beat Romania. Should be enough to stay in.
  9. Pocinje EP u dizanju tegova. Imamo 3 takmicara, koliko vidjeh. Zagorac je 8 po prijavljenom rezultatu. Tu je i Tamas.
  10. Like i said before, this is question of ethics. Living in both sides actually doesnt prove a thing. I see decrepited policies in both systems. You personally are just more prone to western system which is ok, as long as you arent biased against the east. Westerners are programed to hate Russians, vice versa too. I dont like Russia at all. I dont like communism at all. I dont like hipocrisy of West niether. But i dont hate both of them niether. Thats the difference. To be honest, i wont stand for Russia but niether for Ukraine. Your POV is just yours, not necessarilly right one. Same goes for me. So, you should try to respect that others have different opinion than yours. For the second part, you could be right. Russia could be fading, but its their decision and destiny. They asked for it. As a humanist, i feel sorry for people there, for the great culture they had. But again, its wheel of future cant be changed.
  11. I read a lot about Soviet (Russian) policies, always condemned what they did in 1956 and in 1968, 1979. I also condemned February 2022 action. So my POV was clear from the beginning. But Ukraine did many poor political decisions since 1991. I dont see 2014 turmoil as something nice and productive at all. And i dont see them as completelly innocent at all. Not the ordinary people, but political leaders. From Kuchma, Poroshenko...up to Zelenski.
  12. So, western world (whole world actually) is built on hipocrisy, not a democracy. Thats a biggest catch. That loophole is exploited by Russia, for more than 100 years. Their ratio - if democracy is a farce, we are living in anarchy where everyone can take whatever they want so why shouldnt we take parts that were (their POV) russian in the past. Same thing is done by USA, by UK, by France. Every action needs reaction, thats the start of cold war. West doesnt like communism, they will do everything to destroy it. Russia doesnt like West, they will do everything to destroy it. Both sides, both extreme poles dont give a .... about humanity, ethics. If both sides take humanity as the main principle, we wouldnt have this war at the first place.
  13. From what i read (not russian sources), parts of Ukrainian people are really into nazism, since ages. Bandera and so on. But its ok for the rest of the world, as whoever fights Russia is ok and ally. Same thing in 1979, mujahedeens were western allies. Same ones who turned Afhganistan in failed state. Something doesnt seem right
  14. Politics put aside, all i see from 2014 is death of humanity and ethics, in all directions. Whoever wins, humanity loses.
  15. Milica Zabic u finalu Antalije, Bojan Dosen u polufinalu
  16. Dusan Rajovic je zavrsio na mjestu na trci u Belgiji. Trka je bila vrlo jaka, dosta poznatih imena, recimo Alafilip, Kristof, Evan, Degenkolb. Nadam se da ce osvojiti dovoljan broj bodova za jednu kvotu, mada bi trebala i Stojniceva pomoc, koja za sada izostaje ( vecinu trka nije ni zavrsio).
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