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Totallympics Superstar
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Everything posted by ChandlerMne

  1. Milica sada protiv Martinez, ako pobijedi repasaz. Svakako odlican rezultat! Damir
  2. Or state project. Always the same story with them.
  3. Dosta rezervisano. Veliki zaostatak ali ipak u skladu sa ocekivanjima. Za pocetak
  4. I hope that wont take many golds outside mixes.
  5. With all due respect, it didnt show that. It was confusing, messed up. Bunch of drags dont show equality, it showed (like someone said) transgression only.
  6. I feel you bro Still remember Beijing. I was awake from 12 AM to 2 PM 16 days.
  7. For me in descending order Beijing London Athens Sydney Rio Tokyo Atlanta
  8. If we are happy with 7/10, you must start wandering... So many millions invested in something that is... ok, nothing more.
  9. Now start neverending days. Not many sleep for me until 11.08.
  10. Same here. She is hyped, as many things these days are. But she does have good voice.
  11. Last part deserve solid 8 out 10. Overall, huge dissappointment. I hope that Games will be much better than this intro.
  12. Oldest France gold medalist. From 1948 Games 100 years old
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