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Totallympics Medallist
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Everything posted by Bohemia

  1. Yeesss! Amazing!! Congrats Slovakia! (and sorry...)
  2. Yesss Astier Nicolas with a silver medal!! I can't believe it's this sport that is saving us XD
  3. Clarisse Agbegnenou in the semifinal (I can't believe this is only our first semifinal here! Hopefully not the last one )
  4. Oh my God I wanna cry I'm so happy, finally a medal, and a gold one!!!
  5. Well f*ck once again, this is great Zero medal again
  6. Thank you You are doing very good so far! I seriously hope so, we need something positive XD And it would be sad not to win any medal in fencing again, more disappointing than in London because this time we have a good team with good results these last few years
  7. Don't worry about it Thanks, even if I'm losing all hope Now I should choose another country to cheer for, any suggestions?
  8. Congratulations, I'm happy for you!
  9. *Les Bleus But yes this is a complete disaster for us, and not just in fencing. If it continues like that I won't even have the desire to watch these Olympics anymore, this is just too sad. Especially this loss against the Russian...
  10. Congrats Brazil!! I can imagine the atmosphere after the end of the final
  11. @De_Gambassi @Benolympique où êtes-vous ? Je me sens seule sur le forum XD Bon ben en tout cas la chance n'est toujours pas avec nous aujourd'hui non plus... Vraiment dégoûtée par l'élimination de Manon Brunet, tellement injuste... Les juges de ces JO ne doivent vraiment pas nous aimer en judo et en escrime. Et en plus de ça on a de la malchance dans d'autres sports. La France fait le pire démarrage des JO au niveau des médailles depuis Séoul 1988... Enfin bref j'attends toujours qu'on remonte la pente, est-ce que cette fois-ci on peut espérer que ça aille mieux demain ??? Voilà j'avais besoin d'évacuer un peu toute cette frustration parce que ça commence à faire beaucoup x)
  12. I hope that tonight Lacourt can win a medal after the disappointment in London where he was the favorite and finished 4th
  13. Well at least one good news We'll see what happens Good luck to Slovakia too in these events!
  14. I'm starting to think that the referees in Rio are against us. I know this is childish and stupid to say this but all these disappointments... it's starting to be a little too much.
  15. F*ck f*ck f*ck f*ck, so unfair (Sorry for my language but it was too frustrating)
  16. The 3 French girls won, I hope they will continue like that
  17. Et la poisse continue... Je commence vraiment à en avoir marre là x) Ce n'est que le deuxième jour mais ça fait déjà pas mal de bonnes chances de médailles envolées. J'espère vraiment qu'à partir de demain ça ira mieux parce que c'est la catastrophe pour l'instant
  18. WTF is happening to us, seriously... Another disaster, great. One of our biggest medal hopes gone once again. Brazil is bad for us
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