to stop changing the goddamn sport,enough is enough,the evoliution has been made[overdone in my opinion],and the ioc can shove it up their asses if it's not enough,while they do nothing about other sports [the boxing decisions that never go well,wrestling problems,Badminton/table tennis fixed matches] Modern pentahtlon is by far not the problem child of the olympic movement.No there's zero chance shooting by itself is coming back,the laser run is it's own thing,but it's the most exciting final that the sport can produce, 4 laps of 800 metres by itself ?[that is the distance,they have made it as short as possible to once again please the ioc overlords] no thank you,that would be really boring and we could all predict the medalists with no problems,no athlete at the elite level wants shooting back by itself,including the few from that era that still remain in the sport,i can assure you of that.Personally i just want a new president who doesn't lick the ioc's ass[ on the uipm article announcing his retirement,no current athlete expressed their sadness,no surprise there,this was a long time coming]I think all that the fans expect would be their star athletes actually being listened to and not mowed over,like what happened with this whole riding debacle,as top athlete voices were completely ignored,over some national federation heads,that don't even have athletes at world cup level.So yeah respect for the stars of the sport would be the highest expectation i believe,along with not bending over anymore to the ioc.