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Everything posted by Biathlonfan

  1. YAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY,BYE GERMANS,you were given your win against Lithuania by blind refs.
  2. just out of nowhere or some wind assistance ?
  3. LOL,the Israeli guy taunting the Mongolian crowd,would have more effect if israell was winning.
  4. Honestly i'm not impressed by this German's women's team,they barely beat Ukraine,they scraped by Poland by Pulling out an overtime,and now they beat Japan in overtime,how is this the number 1 ranked team in the tournament ?
  5. some of those calls looked off just saying,but oh well,hopefully it's a one off and they can win two more times.
  6. i just turned away for a second how did they miss four more points ?
  7. not feeling great geading into the women's match,to be fair i was thinking the guys might lose too,once i have these kinds of negative sports feelings,there pretty much always right.
  8. yes i know lrt is a thing,i would just prefer english commentary
  9. happening again,and i found the honk kong 3x3 page previously,but it's also not streaming right now
  10. livestream on youtube is not happening for some reason
  11. That's called the Ramona effect.
  12. I know,she's achieved a 14.12 in the uae almost two weeks ago[1.5].Also in the same place as Martynas tonight,there was another Lithuanian triple jumper Aina Grikšaitė,placed second with 13.77 [+2.4] but also had a 13.73 in the last round [+1.3]
  13. in the same competition,Martynas Alekna finsished second with 66.59 in the last round,after throwing 65.10 in the fifth one.Really cuts the gap to his personal best of 67.23 from last year.
  14. Daniel Stahl starts off his season with 68.99.
  15. Men's discus field for Rabat
  16. yep,he's done with american comps for this year,pretty sure he's back in Lithuania now.
  17. wasn't that from last year ?
  18. yep,saw that on instagram just now,that's insane.
  19. i don't know,go to her instagramat 1juliatunks1 and you'll find the vid[it's not letting me copy the throw vid]
  20. lol Latvia leading in jury voting at that point
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