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Everything posted by rajiv

  1. What is the relationship of this event -which I have never heard of - to the World Surfing Tour -where all the best surfers compete ? All the best surfers are non European but Europe ( with the French worst ) think they have a God given right to run everything
  2. I'd like to see a medal count which combines both the Gold medal count and the Total medal count equally To do this for the usual case where 3 medals are awarded - one gold one silver and one bronze - 3 points are given for the gold medal and 1 point is given for each of the 3 medals ie 3 points for both systems of counting This means each event is worth 6 points- 4 points for gold ,1 point for silver and 1 point for bronze would be the usual case In irregular cases, as in the combative events , where 2 bronzes are awarded -each bronze will be worth 0.5 points Similarly a double shared gold medal would be worth 2.5 points All events are worth 6 points -giving out 4 or 5 medals or having a tie for Gold makes no difference The two principles of this system are : All events have an equal rating and the gold medal count is equal to the total medal count
  3. Rowing is a sport that lends itself to a clever doping program Invisible to most outside Olympics Rather like track cycling Mind you in this day and age you need clever sports scientists to get away with it Now try and think of a country which peaks in both sports every 4 years
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