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Everything posted by Майкл

  1. Absolutely disgusting serving from JJ today. Also, FH had let her down too many times.
  2. The season has just begun and she's still out of rythm. She's old, you know.
  3. I won't be lamenting over their almost-finished careers as I usually does, but damn, they were hella good.
  4. Throwback to 2008 when both Ana and Jelena were the full-time tennis players.
  5. I really hope Jelena will take Hagatha out. But given the fact she's 'old and slow' now, I doubt.
  6. And Sascha, well, called the umpire a fucking moron. In case you missed it:
  7. When was the last time you watched some Petra's match? She cannot hit through the ball as hard as she could in past, this is one of her better matches this year.
  8. She doesn't, but still being 28 yo makes you young in modern sport. I'm kinda annoyed by the fact that most of those youngsters have bad tempers - Belinda, Jelena, Nick, Sascha, etc.
  9. Good win for Zverev. One of the most promising players of his generation, too bad his behaviour is not as mature as his game is.
  10. It's really sad to see relatively young players like Caro, Bine, Petra and Ana not caring about their careers anymore.
  11. Good point, but still it was an incredibly unfortunate way to lose.
  12. *cough* He was never going to win anyway... *cough*
  13. Realan rezultat je ČF, za dalje bismo videli.
  14. U stvari, podloga koja će biti u Riju odgovora i Ani i Jeleni (decoturf srednje brzine, koliko sam čuo), ukoliko im bude nedelja, a znajući u kakvom je stanju WTA, može biti svašta.
  15. Troje ide sigurno (logično da su to Ana, Jelena i Novak), mada i Viktor je skoro pa kvalifikovan. Za druge ćemo videti.
  16. Ima, ali ono, nisam optimističan. Ja se samo nadam da će Ana iskukati WC od ITF-a za dubl sa Aleks... Značilo bi Aleksandri da ode u Rio. Nenad je sve zajebao onim prelomom, bio je u sasvim pristojnoj formi prošle godine.
  17. Kako stvari trenutno stoje imaćemo svega četvoro tenisera u Riju.
  18. Naravno da ne bi, seti se samo onog meča za bronzu na SP protiv onog Indijca... Beše li to 2013. ili 2014. godina?
  19. Fris (i Maksimović) obično gubi zbog gluposti. Šta je tu novo? Jako mi je drago zbog Nemeša, izrasta u pravog šampiona! I što je najbitnije, polako, ali sigurno, rvanje vraća staru slavu!
  20. Davorova konstantnost na najvećim takmičenjima je neverovatna Bila bi prava šteta da ne osvoji medalju u Riju i zaokruži ovaj sjajan niz...
  21. Cibulkova litterally choked that match away. I couldn't even...
  22. Ja se nadam da neće. Kalinić igra mnogo bolje u reprezentaciji od njega.
  23. Da se razumemo, sve zavisi od Saleta - da li ćeš ih pozvati ili ne.
  24. Malo je reći da sam iznenađen pobedom rukometašica...
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