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Posts posted by IUBryan

  1. The graphics package does seem to be very similar to Tokyo's. Personally, I loved Tokyo's graphics. I thought it was a very well thought out design. The font choice, colors, and layout is simple yet not boring. It looks like Paris has made some small modifications (Eiffel Tower at the right) to make the graphics iconic for Paris. I do wonder why they replaced the Olympic Rings with "Olympic Games" on the scoreboard. The only change I'm not a fan of.


    I am watching on and the streaming is working very well.

  2. You can get that result on the official website, but it only works on desktops/laptops right now. They modified the way their results are presented this year and it broke a lot of functionality, especially on the mobile app. They have been really slow to issue fix updates too.... 


    Edit: Just tried on the desktop and it won't scroll to the selected day. It always scrolls to the first day of events when you click on a particular sport.

  3. 8 hours ago, Jinzha said:

    This looks great honestly, there's just one big problem: it looks like it's Apple store exclusive, can't find it on my Android phone:(

    It looks like others have found out what happened to the app in the Google Play Store. Here is a link I have to share it... don't know if it will work until the app is back visible in store:


  4. 4 hours ago, Olympian1010 said:

    Late to the party, but welcome to the forum :bye:


    Always nice to meet another PDF results document archiver. I also use the common codes to label documents :d


    Do you only save results for the Olympic Games, or other multi-sports games too (PanAms, Commonwealth, etc.)?

    I only save the results from the Olympics. I had been using the PDF Official Reports for years, but started archiving them about halfway through Pyeongchang in 2018. Starting in Tokyo 2020 I learned how to use a database program called FileMaker to keep all the files more organized and easier to access. Here is a picture of the current version I've got going for Paris.


    How long have you been collecting the PDF results? Do you use any special system/tool to keep everything organized?


    I wish there was an easier way to get them instead of having to click through each discipline to check for updates/new files.

    Screen Shot 2024-07-20 at 21.07.02.png

  5. 59 minutes ago, heywoodu said:

    Oddly, it was super chill to have Pyeongchang, Tokyo and Beijing especially all be in like the middle of the night for a significant part of the day

    I agree. I have gotten used to the Olympics occurring in the middle of the night and it was great to not have any other distractions with everyone sleeping around me. It will be a change from the past few years being awake for most of the day!

  6. I teach at a university so I have a very flexible schedule in the summer. I’m using that flexibility and some PTO to take the entire Olympics off. I’m still working on figuring exactly what I’ll be watching, but my overall plan for each day is as follows:


    Wake up around 1:30 AM EDT (7:30 AM CEST)


    Shower, have breakfast


    Update any new documents or info in my Olympics database. I use a FileMaker database to track all the events and download/store all the official report PDFs. I use the Olympic Data Feed’s Common Code system to automatically label every file I import.


    Then, start watching events around 2:30 or 3:00 AM. Pretty much watch nonstop with minor breaks until 4 or 5 PM EDT (10 or 11 PM CEST).


    I will then go to bed by 6 PM EDT and repeat again the next day.


    Any days where surfing takes place will result in much less sleep.


    I might try to adjust my body clock a bit a couple days before Wednesday next week, but we will see.

  7. 21 minutes ago, Sindo said:

    myInfo system is already available to the media and it's the usual system of the last Olympics, I guess/hope it will soon available to the public on website :p

    Do you have access (or know someone who does) to the MyInfo system for Paris? I'm trying to find confirmation that MyInfo is the same system as before. It seems weird they would create a new version for the public and keep using the older version for professional media.


    Here's a picture of MyInfo from Tokyo; and it very closely resembled the public facing website on


    On an unrelated note; the day by day schedule here on Totalympics is fantastic! It has been very useful in planning out what I am going to watch every day during my 2 week Olympic vacation. I really appreciate the effort and care that went into it!


  8. 5 hours ago, hckošice said:

    Please tell me this will not be the live score/official result system. Please am I right ? please

    I am new to the Totalympics site but not to the Olympics. I thought the exact same thing when the official site was updated today. This new system is so clunky and inefficient. The old one worked fine. I wonder if the press MyInfo system has been updated to this new layout as well. 

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