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Everything posted by copravolley

  1. Good news:
  2. Have you had such cases in the past?
  3. Does this apply to women and men in 49? For me, it would be total stupid to send a total of 5 teams (3 male) to the qualifications and not accept the quota. Personally, I don't wish this on them, because what's the point of doing sports and training if you can't go to the Olympics?
  4. Where does this information come from? "However it is still unsure wether Germany will send any team to @paris2024 🥂 still a very big achievement from there guys, so congratulations!". Maybe this?
  5. Why would they not accept the quota if they sent as many as 3 German crews to the Olympic qualifications regatta? That would be idiocy on their part. Can you give a link to this information?
  6. My understanding is that if Africa didn`t use its quota, so it`s place should go to the last qualifying regatta. I didn't expect this promotion after the previous days but that makes it even worse for me. I would rather take last place today if Hong Hong won, then I would know that we were simply weaker.
  7. Don't worry, Spain will have more than us this year I mean that I was happy twice and I was cheated twice after some time. Just enough. They could have written yesterday that Hong Kong had already secured promotion, so I wouldn't have expected it.
  8. I only know that in April they took away two qualifications from us: Chamizo in wrestling due to Azerbaijan's corruption and now in sailing because the federation came up with some stupid rules. And this whole circus is invented by the IOC in every discipline.
  9. t makes me laugh about these special countries. There were qualifiers in Asia and Hong Kong could have won there. Two, Hong Kong already has 2 qualifications in the remaining classes. I feel cheated and I'm very sorry that once again someone took away our promotion.
  10. I don't understand why Hong Kong should get some special status when he has 2 other qualifications in different classes? There were Asian qualifications and China advanced there. I don't understand why Europe should be discriminated again and again? Nobody can`t Hong Kong from winning against China in Asia. For me, the Olympics are getting more and more ridiculous. Only money and deals count.
  11. For me he should have gotten a better QO. The Italians were 1 point better. Hong Kong is not an emerging country because it has obtained 2 other qualifications. This federation is ridiculous because it can`t establish clear qualification rules. They are turning it into one big circus with some quotas for continents, some specially treated nations, etc. It's just strange that Italy is always harmed: Chamizo, sailing, rowing, etc.
  12. But after what suffering :P We can thank to Hong Kong for doing so well in the last race :P Is`t possible to see a video of this race somewhere?
  13. Thank you I'll wait for the official results, because with such a small difference there may be some changes but the result surprised me. I didn't even know the racing was so early today.
  14. Little chance for Italy. They must be 4 positions higher than Hong Kong in a situation where the entire top team will no longer fight for anything. The Italian crews failed at the most important start of the season. Most of the season they swam at the level of Germany but here they definitely lowered their level. This means they will watch the games at home.
  15. Will someone do a separate topic about the I A Division World Championships in Bolzano? The competition will starts in this weekend.
  16. I don't really understand what it's supposed to look like this year? Assuming 4 for the team race: Ganna, Milan, Consonni + Moro/Lamon? Where will there be a place for Viviani in Madison and Omnium? Will they do it by appointing Viviani to the road team and thanks to that he will also be able to ride on the track? I'm miss to 1 place short of what I saw in Tokyo.
  17. In Tokyo it was bad: only 6 crews of 10. In Paris it will be probably: 9/10, because nothing good will happen for them in class 49. A missed opportunity. In theory, there has been progress since Tokyo but looking at the turn of the century, this is not necessarily the case. I have concerns about whether we will exceed 360 people in Paris for the entire delegation. I don't believe in basketball at all, whether men's classic team or women's 3x3. Softball was eliminated from olympics program and we were left with 4 team sports: 2x volleyball and 2x water polo. I don't understand why we completely abandoned Rugby 7 and men's 3x3 basketball. Spain will qualify 10-12 teams for Parisand we will qualify probably 4... The last time we had men's football at the Olympics in 2008. You can't achieve record attendance that way
  19. I think that at the beginning of the 21st century, e.g. in Sydney and Athens we had a full complement of sailing crews (I think there were 11 of them at that time). This year, however, the miss of a full squad will be a failure: 470 mix and 49 were clear favorites here but only the first class lived up to expectations. However, our crews in 49 class remained at the level of German settlements throughout last year and here they clearly lag behind them. The most important start of the year was ruined by 2 of our crews.
  20. As for the games themselves, Stano and Palmisano will 99% take part in the relay if they are healthy. Trapletti is 39 years old and will not exceed a certain level, and Fortunato has never won an individual medal at a major event. Only one of his shots in the 20 km race in Paris, e.g. a medal will make him take Stano's place. Therefore, for both Trapletti and Fortunato, today's gold medal means a lot and I can even suspect that they were there at the top of their form this season. Applause for them but it's a pity that Italy doesn't have the second qualification and that they won't be able to run this distance in Paris either.
  21. Italy now has 6 people qualified enter? 2+2 with minimums + 2 with relays? Today, in the 20-kilometer race, the Italian was 1 second up of the minimum.
  22. I agree. The duo: Stano-Giorgi and Orsoni-Palmisano would easily qualify, while Fortunato and Trapletti would still win gold, which is especially important for this first (I would like to remind you that she is a 39-year-old athlete). Actually there will be 6 people in Paris: 3+3, but only 1 relay team will be selected from them. If Palmisano and Stano win gold in Paris, of course no one will remember it...
  23. It's a terrible thing. As you can see, in this relay it`s worth having a second option in case of a fall/injury or for tactical reasons. Maybe it will be possible to add second Italian couples who will individually have 3 walkers in 2 genders? In my opinion the World Championship gold medalist should have an additional place from outside the pool and then the 2nd Italian pair with the time from the ranking could enter. For now, these Olympic qualifications are very unlucky for us: Chamizo's humiliation recently and now Stano's stupid bad luck. This is slowly starting to irritate me.
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