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  1. They share training team and main coach: Iván Pedroso
  2. long history, yes but actually long time ago. Roller skating sports are very popular in South America and the mediterranean area, but no one second is wasted in thinking them as olympic sports. Instead, three "popular-all-around-the-world" team sports are included: quota reduction for other disciplines. I am not sure, but I think that olympic movement must stop for a minute and think about their future, speaking in broad terms: sports included, city election, bidding process, composition of the own IOC itself (too many princes and sheikhs...), I am not very optimistic for sure
  3. I think is not related to speed (hurdles, steeplechase), or judgement (disqualifications in horizontal jumps or lines in 200 or 400 meters). It is about events with a long history behind, And they are supported by many different countries all over the world: Japan, China, Colombia, Ecuador, Mexico, Peru, Spain, Italy, Sweden...Coincidentally, no one is an English-speaking country.
  4. Hi, forget Dunfee hopes: Coe has said that some events would be scrapped if they were not popular. I quote :“We have to make sure that we are investing in events that people really want to watch. There’s still too much assessment and decisions being made on a sort of misplaced nostalgia. When we make those decisions, we have to be able to stand behind the data that says, sadly, some of these are not capturing the imagination.”. I am afraid he's talking about walking events. So, all Spanish gold medals away!!!!
  5. Olympic games were made for athletes. Cutting quotas is not the best way to support sports and athletes efforts. I realize cost savings policies are very important, but improving TV broadcastings or any other imaginative way to make sports more attractive to raise audiences are the best way. And removing equestrian sports (-200 athletes and a lot of horses, cost saving for sure). I disagree the no selection for karate with four years in advance: the Tokyo Olympic champions know they cannot repeat their achievements: any sport should remain two olympic cycles at last.
  6. walkers finished fourth in all walking events. Sharing luck with Furthermore, three fifths positions more....
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