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tigersay reacted to JoshMartini007 in Surfing ISA World Games 2022
into the men's final, down to the repechage and will get a second chance to qualify to the finals.
tigersay got a reaction from Gianlu33 in World Games 2022
Actually there will be live of gold medal finals on Polsat Sport Premium 1 (I really don't understand why Olympic Channel can't show all streams on their site).
tigersay got a reaction from De_Gambassi in World Games 2022
Actually there will be live of gold medal finals on Polsat Sport Premium 1 (I really don't understand why Olympic Channel can't show all streams on their site).
tigersay reacted to Olympian1010 in World Games 2022
Just a heads up, IRF (Raquetball) is streaming games up to the semifinals on their Facebook, and IFA (Fistball) is streaming preliminary games on their streaming service.
tigersay reacted to Gianlu33 in World Games 2022
Results website is awful, a lot of results are missing and some sport are not covered in live
tigersay got a reaction from Gianlu33 in World Games 2022
https://www.theworldgames.org/pages/twg2022streaming - at least 4 streams on official World Games site
https://olympics.com/en/sport-events/the-world-games-2022-birmingham/broadcasting-schedule - some streams on Olympic Channel (seems that there are no streams that can't be found on the first link)
A couple of other links for Day 1:
http://www.worldskate.tv/live/?liveId=A217BCEBB2594BDF8FE2E65131DBF663021779 - speed skating
https://app.sporfie.com/company/ibf - bowling
https://www.youtube.com/user/iffchannel - floorball
Haven't found info about today's streams of archery, group stage of karate and hockey; finswimming is written to be shown only in replay on IWGA site, but I beleive it will be shown live.
tigersay got a reaction from VolleyRuller96 in The World Games 2017
And Russians could be on swedish place, if referee dsq'ed Lindgren for crushing into British in 19 heat
tigersay got a reaction from opruh in Doping Cases and Bans Thread (2016 & 2017)
Zakarin can also be added to the list of people who won't participate.
3. The ROC is not allowed to enter any athlete for the Olympic Games Rio 2016 who has ever been sanctioned for doping, even if he or she has served the sanction.
Lol, people are sick of Efimova, I'm sick of Gatlin and Gay. But these guys will participate and fight for the medals.
About volleyball - I think that Russia will participate, president of FIVB had said about it earlier.
tigersay got a reaction from konig in Doping Cases and Bans Thread (2016 & 2017)
Zakarin can also be added to the list of people who won't participate.
3. The ROC is not allowed to enter any athlete for the Olympic Games Rio 2016 who has ever been sanctioned for doping, even if he or she has served the sanction.
Lol, people are sick of Efimova, I'm sick of Gatlin and Gay. But these guys will participate and fight for the medals.
About volleyball - I think that Russia will participate, president of FIVB had said about it earlier.
tigersay got a reaction from opruh in Doping Cases and Bans Thread (2016 & 2017)
Yeah, I've read that letter. If I'm not mistaken, he didn't get any answer?
One more note from Russians.
You said about anger of Russian sports fans - yes, many of us have that feeling. In the end it's hard to believe anyone about this deal. Of course, as every person, I wait for positive ending of the story, but things are going worse and worse.
I also waited for some actions from WADA to build anti-doping control in Russia by itself(or some documents how it should be done), but there are none of them and it's the worst thing in all the story. It's easy to destroy and hard to build.
If we talk about possibility of reality of that story - that can be true(but seems that in some diiferent way than it was shown in the report). In Russia sport is one of the ways to the richness - for Olympic gold medal you can get 200000$(!!!) and new Mercedes(!!!) from the government. For usual sportsperson these money is enermous. More than that, nearly all professional sport in Russia is sponsored by the government.
And when somebody becomes an athlete and goes to that glory and money, there IS a chance he will try to cheat. Think - what can you do, if once you can get a chance to get all that money(and after that there is high possibility you will stay become popular through all your life)?
A few of the athletes, unfortunately, choose the wrong way.
But sorry, I don't see any connection between that and people who not only compete, but know that they're Russians and try to defend themselves any way they can.
The thread is still opened, ask, if you want to.
tigersay got a reaction from opruh in Doping Cases and Bans Thread (2016 & 2017)
Oh, IOC decided to cancel presumption of innocence of Russian athletes about doping. So, should athlete by himself go to foreign ADA and tell officers there to take test from him?)) Because it's unusual situation and we need to know how it should work(do they mean all sportspeople from every sport? Should, for exmaple, Russian speedway(or in any other motorsport) team do something in that situation?
tigersay got a reaction from opruh in Doping Cases and Bans Thread (2016 & 2017)
In real life I have some connection with Russian national speedway team (Polish guys should know what it is), and even riders write that they are a bit scared how it can influence on them (but to be honest, there is no connection between them and IOC, cause we would never see motorsports in Olympics).
tigersay got a reaction from opruh in Doping Cases and Bans Thread (2016 & 2017)
I would add that even in most Russian-hating newspapers there it is everywhere written that number of proofs and facts is close to zero, and the point of discussion shouldn't be "if Russia should be disqualified", but " if that story is true".
tigersay got a reaction from opruh in Doping Cases and Bans Thread (2016 & 2017)
Please, tell us the facts now, we're waiting.
Hollywood-style stories are not the facts.
We have mentioned earlier strange table with interesting numbers (with no dates or any additional info)
What else?
tigersay got a reaction from opruh in Doping Cases and Bans Thread (2016 & 2017)
The majority of Russians would thank IOC for that decision, lol))
Mutko seems to be the worst Russian sports minister ever, even without that doping story.
tigersay got a reaction from opruh in Doping Cases and Bans Thread (2016 & 2017)
Even if we let that all these things COULD happen. It is known that the most problematic sports for doping in Winter Olympics are skiing and biathlon, but Russia had worse(!) results in biathlon than in Vancouver and nearly the same in skiing. A bit "ineffective" strategy for such "powerful doping country" as Russia, isn't it?
tigersay got a reaction from opruh in Doping Cases and Bans Thread (2016 & 2017)
And don't you think, that all that story can be simple fairy tale? Through all the season the same athletes(do we talk about people who take part in not only one competition, right?) did tests in foreign countries in competitions, had top results and weren't caught. I have mentioned earlier that even now we don't have proofs for that "wonderful strategy" of FSB, and also FSB is made at first so clever and so stupid later. Sorry, I can hardly believe it.
tigersay got a reaction from opruh in Doping Cases and Bans Thread (2016 & 2017)
Oh, more Russian haters in the thread. To be honest - if WADA really wanted to clean sport in Russia, they should do totally different things:
1) Tell EVERY story of these scary anonymous Russian dopers(today we have no new of them)
2)Totally ban RUSADA, make all anti-doping work about Russian athletes outside of Russia and in that time try to make new clean agency inside of it with British, American - anyone who knows what should be done(today we have nearly no kind of this work)
It's known that more names - less place for political rumours and discussions.
But now we have only words about total(of course) disqualification and some clouds above events with Russian medals.
tigersay reacted to FC Mezhgorye in Doping Cases and Bans Thread (2016 & 2017)
To finish this discussion I will summarize the position of the Russian fans from our forums:
1. A few weeks ago we read an interview Rodchenkov, where there were many fantastic words (FSB agents, drugs with alcohol, the hole in the wall, etc.).
2. Assembled a Commission which was to investigate these words.
3. The Commission repeated the Rodchenkov's words, but when McLaren asked about the evidence, he said that "We don't know how it was all done, but we know it could be done". This is ridiculous. This is not the response for which was spent so much money on the investigation.
4. The report contains a lot of strange things that are hard to believe. For example, the firm, which produces bottles for samples said to open them is impossible. http://www.berlinger.com/drug-and-doping-control/media/media-release-detail/mclarenwada-investigation-of-sochi-2014-allegations/ And if McLaren will be able to open them and show everyone how to do it and we believe. Because in Rio we will see the same bottle. And this is the problem for all athletes.
5. We are very angry because there is a possibility that Russia will not participate in Rio.
6. Rodchenkov was an important man in the system and we believe that this could be, but we just want to see it (pictures, letters, witnesses, the names of the athletes, the exposed sample, something)
7. We are sad because everyone is saying that Russians are bad, but do not say why.
8. We don't like Mutko and all these officials that to win will use any means
9. We want to have suspended all the athletes taking doping, but we want clean athletes participated because we know what effort they made to get to the Rio (especially the Paralympians)
10. We are waiting for the rechecking of doping tests from Russian athletes Sochi 2014. This is the only way to show that all that was really.
P.S. I know Olga Vilukhina since childhood and I saw how she trained to win the silver medal. She always had health problems, but she trained more and better than anyone. And now everyone says she's a criminal. But nobody can prove it. It's like the judicial system in North Korea.
tigersay reacted to Federer91 in What is your Nation's Goal for Summer Olympic Games 2016?
When they change their name to Russia or Azerbaijan.
tigersay got a reaction from opruh in Doping Cases and Bans Thread (2016 & 2017)
Skiing and snowboarding are also under one federation, but they are divided. So that doesn't work.
tigersay got a reaction from opruh in Doping Cases and Bans Thread (2016 & 2017)
Oh, I've found one more thing. Rodchenkov said that doping was also given to Tretiakov. In the list above there is NO skeleton. Where is the truth, WADA?))
tigersay got a reaction from opruh in Doping Cases and Bans Thread (2016 & 2017)
Do you really believe that if he would have found changed test of someone of top athletes, he wouldn't say about that? If he gave the names privately just to someone, where are the confirmations of it from these "recievers"? There were no words about it.
tigersay got a reaction from opruh in Doping Cases and Bans Thread (2016 & 2017)
That picture can be found in the report. How did they count it? Maybe, we can know just couple of names? When were these tests covered? Just something more than Chivas and FSB; people who did the report make FSB at first so clever to think of all that strategy, and after that so stupid to not to clean out all the possible proofs and let Rodchenkov to go out to the USA(if you didn't know, any person except the highest people in Russia who get the access to all secret deals is not allowed to go out of the country).
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