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Jan Linha

Totallympics Medallist
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Everything posted by Jan Linha

  1. True, I completely forgot. We had 2 junior skaters at quali spots in mass start. One girl and one boy. Unfortunately, both dropped below the line after Calgary. Thanks a lot. The statistics is amazing .... P.S. Merry Xmas 🎄🎄
  2. Also wondering where :CZE lost .... I guess some FIS events? Alpine or freestyle skiing? Maybe snowboarding??
  3. "Pay for its mistakes" seems like a thread to me in the way, that some US athletes might be somehow "found covid positive" and not allowed to compete. Would not surprise me at all ......
  4. If she withdrew, there would be another skater placed first below the line in that semifinal. There must be some kinda misunderstanding. Cause she is fighting for place in Beijing in mass start. I haven't got any reply from Czech team yet though...
  5. Well, I am sure of one thing. Some steps China does ... Let's say does not really help the country image but they unfortunately realize after doing it. A k.a. Peng Shuai case ...... Countries will 99% sure not boycott Olympics in a sports way but they may do the political boycott. Would be difficult to restore the good relations with China but it's every country's decision ... Anyways, what I am expecting is an individual athlete boycott. Some athletes have decided not to take the vaccine, some don't agree with Games in China or the political system/relations. So I expect some already qualified athletes may withdraw/boycott the Games.
  6. :CZE in top 10 biggest teams would be really cool and crazy at the same time 😲😲 .... But truth is that both hockey teams do around 50 names💪💪
  7. Tak SP v short tracku je za námi. Máme místenku minimálně v ženské 1500 m, což znamená, že by jela pravděpodobně stejné jako do Pyeongchangu, Míša Hrůzová. Dle mých propočtů je však kvota i na 500 metrů, kterou by teoreticky měla uzmout Petra Vaňková, ale to si musíme počkat na potvrzení od ISU. Bohužel kluci se nemohli zapojit do všech závodů SP kvůli tomu, že Radek Fajkus měl pozitivní test na covid a proto ani na 1500 m, kde měli největší šance, nakonec startovat nebudou. Zdeněk Sejpal tam skončil 3. pod čarou. Uvidíme, zda budou ještě nějaké realokace.
  8. According to what I counted, there should be also a spot for and 500 m Women's event. But let's see what ISU comes up with. There will surely be some reallocations ..... Pity that men did not qualify anyone cause their appearance at the world cup events was influenced by covid :-(
  9. Maybe Canada can take also the whole Oilers team with Leon and Connor and give Leon temporary citizenship just for the games. I feel it would be the same😂😂😂
  10. Well, next stop for the girls is Lake Louise. Maybe they could cover the cancelled GS there on Dec. 6th. But maybe racing too many days in the row may mean many complaints. Courchevel might be more reasonable.....
  11. Correct 💪💪💪. Czech fans are actually Czechoslovak fans. And they way the national teams help each other is really great. Not only in alpine skiing but for example also short track🙂
  12. Absolutely. Wish you good luck, too. Do you live in Beijing? I sent you a message. We can add each other's wechat.
  13. Martina was amazing. She might make a podium this season ..... Of course, huge congrats to Petra. I truly wish her at least 1 gold in Beijing :-)
  14. I hope to be able to obtain some WOG tickets despite not living in Beijing.
  15. Let's screw all the political involvement and be happy cause the Games are coming. I have never cared much about politics, I don't know much about politics and I am a happy person ........ We can just wish Peng Shuai all the best, hopefully she returns back in one piece and let's focus on the thing that connects us all - the Olympic religion. I cannot wait any longer for the Games to start and see all the competition either on TV or at the venue Still trying to find my way to Beijing :-)
  16. Jinak zmenšoval jsi mladou Sáblíkovou... o té nic nevím.... závodí? Kolik jí vůbec je?
  17. právě taky jsem myslel, ale dostal DSQ a 0 bodů...... nasralo mě to, protože i kdyby skončil 16. čili poslední, tak má velkou šanci se dostat na OH v hromadnáku, takto mají větši šanci borci ze semifinále .... ale zase body za semi a finále je velký rozdíl. Ještě máme nějaké hromadnáky, tak uvidíme ...... nicméně DSQ dostali 4 závodníci ..... podle mě tam byl bordel, že rozhodčí se ztratili v tom, kdo měl kolik kol do cíle a následně zmátli závodníky a ti pak doplatili na to ...... podle mě by ty body získat měli ..... je to hodně nefér.
  18. I kinda agree, Sweden is not the old Sweden they used to be ..... experience from last champs, Finland is playable so then, it depends on luck a current mental state. I would kinda expect semifinals for US, Canada, Russia and I hope Czech :-)
  19. Jj Zuzka Kuršová a Lukáš Steklý maji potencial, ale jsou porad juniori. Je obema 18. Ale zjistil jsem, ze se chteji dostat na OH pres zavod s hromadnym startem. Kvalifikuje se 24 nejlepsich v SP. Skoda, ze Stekly dostal DSQ v tom zmatenym zavode. Byl by hodne blizko si myslim.... Uvidime jak pri dalsich zavodech..... Kuršová je nyni prave 24.
  20. Jj neshody se svazem prevazne. Psal jsem si s Naty behem posledni univerziady. Hlavne v Rakousku se tim uzivi i jako neelitni zavodnice. V Cesku tezko....
  21. True, no doubt about that ..... But what Olympian wouldn't like to post some moments from the Olympics on his/her social media account in the real time? Most of them do it even though they cannot "promote" any companies they have contracts with ..... I am sure most of the athletes will use VPN or Olympic village will be "foreign internet friendly" :-)
  22. Well, I kinda did not get why the last four got DSQ. They all have finishing time but for some reason got DSQ which means recieving 0 points in the WC ranking compared to the athletes recieving many points but not making it to the final. Which is quite unfair I think.
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