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Everything posted by mrv86

  1. It’s the qualification round, not the semi finals Even if contradicts the hierarchy of events, as either NZL or AUS would get a quota from the World Cup rankings, it cancels the quota trough continental championships.
  2. Unused host country quota goes to best non qualified gymnast from the 2019 World Championships qualification round.
  3. If I understood qualification process correctly, New Zealand will likely qualify from World Cup.
  4. The top ranked from next week’s Pan Am Championships. If USA gets that, then Spain gets the reallocated spot.
  5. But aren’t those who advance to round 6 guaranteed top 10 finish, and given France and Japan already have secured their max quotas, it should be pretty safe for them?
  6. I think we will know the first male qualified surfer(s) once Heat 3 from round 5 is completed. Am I right @Laraja?
  7. It’s top 4 from the European qualification tournament. As you said, Spain qualified two women into semis, leaving the 4th spot to the best ranked loser from the quarterfinals, which according to the result site is Slovakia.
  8. En otras notas, mañana se definirán los seleccionados en 20km en ambas ramas, pues el evento en La Coruña es el último dentro del plazo que propuso la federación para dar marcas y escoger atletas. Enorme lo de Rivera, con su nuevo record y poniendose de nuevo en la lista de calificados a los Juegos, aunque aun hay tiempo para que otros lo pasen; esperemos no sea el caso.
  9. Esto es una total vergüenza y una estafa total. Quien sabe que artimañas de escritorio estén tramando Guevara, Todorov y compañía para que Paola Berrinches vaya a Tokyo junto con su sugar baby, el Tacos García Lamentable, porque a estas alturas debiera ya estar definida la selección para lograr una buena preparación en la fase previa, pero me dará gusto ver el chasco que se llevarán cuando no cumplan. Esperemos eso haga que la idiota de Guevara le corte la cabeza a Todorov para salvar la suya.
  11. Unless @thiago_simoes says different here’s the quota simulation for Men’s after today’s qualification round FROM 2019 WORLD CHAMPIONSHIPS FROM CONTINENTAL CHAMPIONSHIPS + Pan Am qualifier FROM WORLD CUP HOST & TRIPARTITE REALLOCATION (from 2019 WCh qualification round)
  12. Hard draws for Mexicans Southworth and Corzo in Rep 3 Meanwhile, Summer Sivori already out of competition
  13. No more quotas for Mexico, as neither Chaika or Rasmane won a quota in pistol
  14. I agree with the scores needed to qualify, they’ll be at least 82; however he could sneak in and profit of an error from other competitors.
  15. Dos records femeninos cayeron este fin de semana: En 800m de atletismo, Mariela Del Real corrió 2:00.91, poco mas de un segundo sobre la marca de clasificación, pero le quitó el record de la prueba a Guevara. En 200m mariposa, María José Matta impuso marca de 2:09.57, igual cerca de la marca “A”. Creo con algo de suerte podría unirse a Melissa Rodríguez (que se quedó a una centésima de la marca y debe ser primera en la línea en la prueba de 200m pecho) y Jorge Iga (200m libres, a 12 centésimas de la marca) como parte de los nadadores en Tokyo. Mis otros dos candidatos en natación son Gabriel Castaños (50m libres, a 19 centésimas) y José Ángel Martínez (a 11 centésimas en 200 combinados)
  16. Loved today’s performance by women group today. Their routine is all about constant movement, and though it still has room for improvement, I do believe it was cleaner than the one from the “Farfalle”. It will be a though battle in two weeks for the continental spot, but at lesst I hope the quota goes to them or the Brazilian women, as the Americans are quite overrated in Rhythmic. I’d like to see Bulgaris finishing ahead of Russia in Tokyo, though I’m sure Mama Viner won’t allow it, probably throwing the Japanese team a bronze, which I’m sure in fair judging conditions they could achieve, even if Belarus is improving and won’t be likely to let go the podium without a fight.
  17. I’d give De Luna a 25% if he’s in full shape Still it will be a hard battle between Gonzalez & the returning Calvo, who I think was and still is judges favorite.
  18. What was the World expecting when the tournament is hold in continental Cuba? Seriously, one can understand Cubans defecting after decades long of being enslaved by the Castro family and their cronies.
  19. 8/10 Reason why Iceland (14th) & Lithuania (12th) didn’t entered in my top 10 is because the former seems like a bad carbon copy from last year, when they quirkiness was refreshing; and of the former because the song was to me like a cupcake without the frosting: appealing but you need to polish it to completely sell it.
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