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Everything posted by Monzanator

  1. You probably missed the constant bitching about lack of overtaking & Mercedes dominance in the hybrid era though? Plus it's not interesting enough to sustain a German GP when a German manufacturer collects titles like crazy. So I guess Germany doesn't love fast Mercedes cars enough.
  2. Bullshit. Hungarian Formula 1 Grand Prix is notoriously one of the best attended races of the year for a long time. I assume the ticket prices will also be cheaper than in Western Europe. Real sport fans don't give a fuck about politics & Orban.
  3. Hungary is bang in the center of Europe. Everyone and their mother will come there - probably even Germans too
  4. The stadium is half-empty. I really hope IAAF is proud of the money they got for this shit. This will be the worst World Champs for decades to come by far.
  5. Okay, so SAFP, DAS & Ta Lou for medals most likely. Thompson looked pedestrian so far.
  6. Pichardo bumped off the podium by 4cm!!!
  7. BS. Just another reason to boost USA's gold medal count. USA ain't winning a lick in the race walking.
  8. Definitely not in the individual events. She's become an easy medal whore now.
  9. I don't see USTF being happy about losing gold to those doped Russians
  10. Sidorova wipes the smile off Morris' face!!! Smackdown!!!! 4,95 PB!!!
  11. He was hurt all season and got spiked in the national champs few weeks back too. He's been out of form all season tbh.
  12. Vazquez pulls a Johnny Gray!!! Kszczot absolutely nowhere!
  13. Torie Bowie looked awful in heats and DNS in semis.
  14. Swoboda will probably finish last here. I have zero hope.
  15. The black American guy with a Polish name pulls up injured.
  16. You all know Wlodarczyk comes back in 2020 and Price will have to settle for silver again, right?
  17. You probably wouldn't allow any racist pricks from Poland to take part in this group therapy though
  18. Klosterhalfen could have a back-up career in ski jumping... but she's probably too tall for that anyway
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