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Everything posted by Monzanator

  1. Meanwhile Bernie Sanders has had a heart procedure and halts his campaign. Geez, you tell me a 78-year old man has health issues? Shocking!
  2. I see posts getting deleted. Can't erase people's memory though
  3. D.Ferguson & Kambundji, obviously. I don't even want to know what you think of Cydonie Mothersill winning Cayman Island's only WC medal ever in 22,88.
  4. And you have zero respect for an athlete's career achievements so I can't treat you seriously either.
  5. Debbie Ferguson wouldn't be talking to you either so I'm in good company
  6. Ortega got impeded there. Nothing he can do about it tho. McLeod will be DQ.
  7. McLeod clattered like the 2nd hurdle and lost the rhythm from there...
  8. Epic shitfest from McLeod. Shubenkov 2nd, PML bronze.
  9. So you have little idea about the event's history
  10. Nope. She'd have won gold in 2001 with that time (after Marion Jones DQ). Debbie Ferguson's time was 22.52
  11. Nowicki blows it and stays 4th. I picked Halasz to win bronze so he better doesn't screw this up!
  12. DAS clocked an impressive time even if this was one of the most expected golds at these Champs. Meanwhile the men haven't won a single WCh medal at 200m since 1993 (John Regis)
  13. I have a slim outside hope Kambundji wins a medal here
  14. He's always been Scottie Pippen to Fajdek's Michael Jordan tbh
  15. Yeah, if she matches KJT in the LJ and beats her by ca. 250 pts in JV, she'll have to finish within ca. 10-12 secs of KJT in the 800m. More than manageable.
  16. Yeah, 10 meters in javelin is basically 200 points and it feels like Thiam will gain more than 10 meters on KJT there.
  17. Fajdek 80,16m Cienfuegos only 11th but he's spinning in slo-motion compared to Fajdek.
  18. So, who is your favorite here? I guess it's not the Egyptian masquarading under flag?
  19. gold & silver coming up! You have been warned
  20. McLaughlin looked more impressive than Muhammad in the semis tbh.
  21. The Russians & Ukrainians are non-existent competition anymore while the US girls are also a little second tier tbh. However you can't have two bad events and count for winning a ton of medals on the global stage. Ennis struggled in SP & JV too but her PBs are significantly better anyway. KJT is just another Kelly Sotherton but even Sotherton's PB in shot is 14,66 (Ennis level) Meanwhile Denise Lewis' worst event was 200m & JV but her SP record was over 16 meters!
  22. Forecast is bad for the hype. They tout her as gold medal winner even though she's never won ANY medal at WCh & OG in the heptathlon.
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