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Posts posted by Monzanator

  1. @OlympicsFanNorway always had great skiers but their shooting was usually off. And their best shooter of the 90s/00s happened to be the slowest skier (Hanevold) so that didn't quite work either. Now they figured out the shooting and their skiing remains as good as it was.


    I do wonder if the 2010s expansion of cross country sprints has switched more of the domestic endurance talent into biathlon from an earlier age though?

  2. It's been leaked that Biden tried to negotiate "peace for land" and sell Ukraine short back in January but got rejected by Russia which forced the Leopard tanks move. Precious time was wasted but USA still views China as the main enemy so let's don't kid ourselves Biden wants this war to end anytime soon. They want Russia to bleed out now that "peace at all costs" has been rejected. I don't need any explanations on the matter whatsoever...

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