So, this weekend concluded the eventing season in Europe and North America, and pretty much sealed the deal on Olympic qualification.
Teams qualified -
Everyone has the Certificate of Capability. Nilson da Silva failed, so Brazil still needs to find the third rider (they can do that next season). Thailand meanwhile has nobody to fill the reserve slot (and it will probably stay that way).
Individuals qualified (spots are awarded to NOCs, not the specific athletes)
Group A
Tim Lips (Bayro) - 236
Merel Blom (Ceda) - 111
Group B
Karin Donckers (Fletcha van't Verahof) - 105
Francisco Gavino Gonzalez (Source de la Faye) - 92
Group C
Aleksandr Markov (Leader) - 176
Valery Martyshev (Primero) - 159
Group D
Karl Slezak (Fernhill Wishes) - 58
Colleen Loach (Qorry Blue d'Argouges) - 57
Group E
Lauren Billys (Castle Larchfield Purdy) - 111
Carlos Lobos (Ranco) - 71
Ronald Zabala-Goetschel (Wundermaske) - 3
Group F
Victoria Scott-Legendre (Song du Magay) - 12
Camilla Kruger (Biarritz) - 3
Usman Khan (Azad Kashmir) - 2
Group G
Fouaad Mirza (Fernhill Facetime) - 34
Thomas Heffernan Ho (Tayberry) - 7
Miloslav Prihoda Jr. (Ferreolus Lat) - 141
Alexander Zelenko (Carlo Grande Jr.) - 112
Aliaksandr Faminou (Martinie) - 107
Peter T. Flarup (Fascination) - 104
Miroslav Trunda (Shutterflyke) - 99
Lea Siegl (Fighting Line) - 79
Incomplete MERs -
Everything is decided, aside from Group E and Group F.
Second quota in Group E should be decided in a direct battle between Carlos Lobos and Ronald Zabala at Campo de Mayo CCI4*-L in two weeks time.
Australian-based Usman Khan has a chance to take over the second spot away from Zimbabwe. He is entered for Wallaby Hill CCI4*-L in two weeks time, where he will essentially have to complete with MER, which would give him 3 points irregardless of his finishing position. This seems to be a massive chance for Pakistan, but it's by no means a done deal.
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