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Totallympics Medallist
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nenad last won the day on May 27 2021

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  • Favourite Olympic Games
    Summer Olympic Games
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  1. Bokserske medalje na takmičenju koje mi organizujemo uzimam za ozbiljno koliko i studente koji žele da uče.
  2. Kako Vilagoš baca kad nije na OI
  3. Hoćemo li poslati ikoga na zimske igre
  4. Well, for me, totallympics was always about qualifying and period between the Games. There are a lot of boards when you can write about the Games when they actually start but this is probably the best place for that "boring" period when the Games aren't on. So, most def, yes.
  5. Death, taxes and Serbian water polo
  6. France never had a chance in that gold medal match. It's not because I'm Serbian but Serbia was the 2nd best team and came very close to probably the biggest success in history of our sport. Because I still people don't think how basketball is popular around the world, how strong it is in USA from grassroots levels to the NBA and how Serbia compares in all of that with them and yet one wide open missed shot or maybe one bad ref decision regarding the infamous 6pt play and it could've happen. It was said in the past and wasn't always and probably pretty rarely true but this time is a fact: The world is catching up with USA. These 12 players best of the best are not only the best, they have 3 players who literally are basketball gods. They have transcendent player like Curry, best shooter of all time and a guy beyond that who changed basketball forever. You don't get that kind of players in every generation, maybe not even in few generations. What was true about basketball before Steph isn't true anymore and I'm not talking about his tournament now, I'm talking about entire career. But what happens next is a good question for US. They will plug in younger players, new stars but they have a tough task reaching these heights and the world is improving dramatically and catching up. You can see that clearly in the NBA with only American MVP in the last 5 years being Embiid undeservedly too. Great tournament. Best in the history of sport. It's good thing that casual fans now see what we've seen all the time, that we live in a new era of atomic basketball. Either adjust to it or you're done.
  7. Most people cheer against the USA because it's basic human decency
  8. I've seen many stupid systems of competition but this one is the worst and the strangest in the same time. What kind of idiot would have semifinals 2 hours before finals where 4 out of 5 from semis are qualified???
  9. Never underestimate the heart of a champion
  10. Opet ćemo ući u istu priču bespotrebno. Ovaj narod sve više naginje ka bolesnom, ko nas predstavlja, kako se živi ovde, koliko smo kao nacija isfrustrirani i iskompleksirani, kakve su nam buduće generacije, nema ovom narodu ništa dobro, bez obzira dal osvoji 10 ili 2 medalje. One su samo pokriće za neke ljude koji se nikad nisu bavili sportom, nemaju pojma šta je sportski duh. Sportski duh nije da ti nazivaš Federera i Nadala pogrdnim imenima samo jer su konkurenti Đokoviću, da pričaš kako se Ameri dopinguju jer eto bolji su u košarci, da frustracije zbog izgubljenih ratova devedesetih lečiš kroz sport da imaš više medalja od Hrvata dok obeležavaš Oluje i hvališ se porazima. Meni je fizički muka od ove države, od medija, novinara, od prosečnog Srbina. Da imam mogućnost pobegao bih sutra iz ove zemlje ne zbog sebe nego zbog neke dece za koju ne bih želeo da odrastaju u ovoj toksičnoj sredini.
  11. Toliko o tome hahahahah kakva olimpijada jebem ti sunce
  12. Kajakaši prvi u kvalifikacijama Možda je ovo dan koji nam okreće Igre :D
  13. Ko nas je blagoslovio i obećao 15 medalja dobro da smo i ovo uzeli. Nešto je baskuzluk, nešto je da bi uradio nešto moraš prvo da se pojaviš na takmičenju, Angelinina povreda je baš amaterska recimo. Mada ne krivim je, dete je. Ali treba tu da bude neko pametniji možda od Dragutina da radi sa njom onda. Basketaši se nisu ni pojavili, tj pojavili su se ali su verovatno očekivali da će na ime da dobiju utakmice.
  14. Bojim se da je to priča celih OI za naše sportiste.
  15. Ne sviđa mi se ovaj žabar nikako. Onaj prošli je rekao bih bolji iako svi misle suportno.
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