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Totallympics International Song Contest

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Everything posted by rybak

  1. Germany finally will avoid last place thanks to Spanish song
  2. Maybe Anja and song had more power but anyway I don't like this year Danish entry, sorry Btw. Kasia is sick and have problems with throat.
  3. Demy I just noticed that Italy are now just third in odds
  4. Hungary, decent Now Italy!! Namaste!
  5. Good performance by Nathan btw. good performance by Imri too
  6. I wish to see Kasia in top15 after this performance, and more than 7 points from all juries together
  7. In one interview Valentina said that she might next year compete fifth time, with an jazz song
  8. Haha, maybe Also no Baltic countries in final mean that Poland almost surely will have 12 points in televoting from Ireland and UK
  9. Wow, neither of Latvia, Lithuania ane Estonia will not compete in final! And only one Ex-Yug nation!
  10. Estonia was robbed as Finland!!! I can't believe, it was my personal winner!
  11. Engaged between Jana Burceska and her boyfriend
  12. Ok, that's was surprise Congrats to new couple and parents
  13. Ok Remember to making your team for Shanghai meeting
  14. Go San Marino, Israel, Estonia, Switzerland, Norway and Austria
  15. Croatia jumped to top10 in odds, while Norway fall :/
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