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Serbia National Thread


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On 28/01/2021 at 14:41, Jesse_Pinkman) said:

Od kad mi imamo naturalizovanog judistu???

Zebeda Rekhviashvili na Grand Slam-u Izraelu nastupa za nas

Nije da imam nesto protiv ali on ima skoro 30 godina, pa mi je cudno da ga zovu sada. Za Pariz i nece biti u cvijetu mladosti. Sa druge strane, ako su ga doveli nevezano za OI, nije on bas neki supertalenat da bi nam donosio medalje sa EP i SP. 

Odluka je cudna ali ok, podrzavam iz razloga sto smo tanki u ovim nizim kategorijama. 

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Hi guys, I wanted to ask a question


there is a rumor in wrestling forums, that former World Champion Khetag Tsabolov is going to wrestle for Serbia ( or at least that's what he wants to do), is that true, did you hear anything about it ?

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2 hours ago, MHSN said:

Hi guys, I wanted to ask a question


there is a rumor in wrestling forums, that former World Champion Khetag Tsabolov is going to wrestle for Serbia ( or at least that's what he wants to do), is that true, did you hear anything about it ?

We usually find it out when they appear in some competition under Serbian flag. Media doesn't give much attention on these sports. However, riecently we got several naturalized athletes in combat sports out of nowhere so i i guess it is quite possible.

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Ovi savezi borilackih sportista su bas preterali sa strancima i instant uspesima


Aj u redu za Iranca u tekvondou koji je dosao da zivi ovde, ali ovi ostali su svi neka xy opcija u svojoj zemlji, a u Srbiji ce da borave samo dok su pripreme i tako lako dobijaju drzavljanstvo

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22 minutes ago, DaniSRB said:

We usually find it out when they appear in some competition under Serbian flag. Media doesn't give much attention on these sports. However, riecently we got several naturalized athletes in combat sports out of nowhere so i i guess it is quite possible.

thanks, it seems that part about him wanting to wrestle for another country is confirmed, we just don't know which country (rumors say Serbia) and also if he is legally eligible to wrestle for another country since he represented Russia on May 2018 at Euro. as you probably know per IOC rules there should be 3 years of inactivity.


interestingly he wrestled for Russia on 5 May 2018 and the last chance world qualifier will start on 6 May 2021 ! :hyper:

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2 minutes ago, MHSN said:

thanks, it seems that part about him wanting to wrestle for another country is confirmed, we just don't know which country (rumors say Serbia) and also if he is legally eligible to wrestle for another country since he represented Russia on May 2018 at Euro. as you pr9obably know per IOC rules there should be 3 years of inactivity.


interestingly he wrestled for Russia on 5 May 2018 and the last chance world qualifier will start on 6 May 2021 ! :hyper:

He counted it in a day ?

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Gruzijac ispao u prvom mecu. Slabo je ovo, kako sam i pisao. Ne vidim logiku njegovog pozivanja, nikako. 

Situacija u 48kg sve zanimljivija. Milica ne moze da se sastavi. Definitivno sam za Andreu.

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On 18/02/2021 at 01:20, DaniSRB said:

Ovi savezi borilackih sportista su bas preterali sa strancima i instant uspesima


Aj u redu za Iranca u tekvondou koji je dosao da zivi ovde, ali ovi ostali su svi neka xy opcija u svojoj zemlji, a u Srbiji ce da borave samo dok su pripreme i tako lako dobijaju drzavljanstvo

Makar da su kvalitetni. Ovako, dobijamo cak i ispodprosjecne borce.

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