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I remember seeing picture of that dish or speciality and was quite frightened by the sight. I'm not a picky eater but this dish I would probably prefer to skip. As I remember it's a young duck fetus in its egg.  A is my answer. 

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You remember it well and no need for a picture this time.

I say "no, thanks" to this dish but "yes" to the answer.


Pts. 16,000


What is the controversial dish balut,

that is served in several parts around Asia?


  A: Eggs          B: Maggots
  C: Coffee   D: Cheese



♦             P t s .  1 6 , 0 0 0           




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And now we're at the next milestone with 50:50 and the expert remaining. A mistake here would bring you back to 1,000, so careful.





Pts. 32,000


In the 1990s, which American football team played

the Super Bowl four times in a row but lost each?


  A: Buffalo Bills   B: New York Giants                                
  C: San Francisco 49ers                             D: Denver Broncos                 



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Ah yes, the poor Buffalo Bills who impressively made it to four consecutive Super Bowls but also somehow managed to lose all fours. Quite sadly for the Bills fans. Their team seems to look much better now and they can hope for maybe a Super Bowl in the near future. A is my answer. 

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Pts. 32,000


In the 1990s, which American football team played

the Super Bowl four times in a row but lost each?


  A: Buffalo Bills   B: New York Giants                                
  C: San Francisco 49ers                             D: Denver Broncos                 


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All the others were successful at least once in the 90s, so ... it was the Bills!

Another 32,000 are safe.


Pts. 32,000


In the 1990s, which American football team played

the Super Bowl four times in a row but lost each?


  A: Buffalo Bills   B: New York Giants                                
  C: San Francisco 49ers                             D: Denver Broncos                 



♦             P t s .  3 2 , 0 0 0           



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Okay, it's looking good so far.

No pressure here on 64,000 but you have lifelines left. Here we go.






Pts. 64,000


 What is the name of the Australian passenger train, popular among tourists, that travels between Darwin and Adelaide?


  A: Tong   B: Malt
  C: Grenad    D: Ghan     
Question by OlympicIRL



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