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Swimming Qualification for Summer Olympic Games 2016

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Men's 100m Butterfly

Qualified Nations:

  1. :ARG Argentina - Santiago Grassi
  2. :AUS Australia - Grant Irvine
  3. :AUS Australia - David Morgan
  4. :BLR Belarus - Pavel Sankovich
  5. :BLR Belarus - Yauhen Tsurkin
  6. :BRA Brazil - Henrique Martins
  7. :BRA Brazil - Marcos Antonio Macedo
  8. :CAN Canada - Santo Condorelli
  9. :CHN China - Li Zhuhao
  10. :CHN China - Zhang Qibin
  11. :FRA France - Mehdy Metella
  12. :FRA France - Jeremy Stravius
  13. :GER Germany - Steffen Deibler
  14. :GBR Great Britain - James Guy
  15. :GUA Guatemala - Luis Martinez
  16. :GUY Guyana - Hannibal David Gaskin
  17. :HON Honduras - Allan Gutierrez
  18. :HUN Hungary - Laszlo Cseh
  19. :HUN Hungary - Bence Pulai
  20. :INA Indonesia - Glenn Victor Sutanto
  21. :ITA Italy - Piero Codia
  22. :ITA Italy - Matteo Rivolta
  23. :JPN Japan - Takuro Fujii
  24. :KUW Kuwait - Abbas Kali
  25. :LUX Luxembourg - Raphael Stacchiotti
  26. :MAD Madagascar - Anthonny Sitraka Ralefy
  27. :MLI Mali - Omar Toure
  28. :MEX Mexico - Long Guttierez
  29. :MYA Myanmar - Myat Thint
  30. :NED Netherlands - Joeri Verlinden
  31. :PNG Papua New Guinea - Ryan Pini
  32. :POL Poland - Konrad Czerniak
  33. :POL Poland - Pawel Korzeniowski
  34. :WHT Refugee Olympic Athlete - Rami Anis
  35. :RUS Russia - Evgeny Koptelov
  36. :RUS Russia - Alexander Sadovnikov
  37. :SIN Singapore - Zheng Wen Quah
  38. :SIN Singapore - Joseph Schooling
  39. :RSA South Africa - Chad Le Clos
  40. :UKR Ukraine - Lyubomir Lemeshko
  41. :USA United States - Michael Phelps
  42. :USA United States - Tom Shields
  43. :VEN Venezuela - Albert Subirats
  44. :ZAM Zambia - Raph Goveia



Total Athletes Qualified  44

Total Nations Qualified  32

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Men's 200m Butterfly

Qualified Nations:

  1. :AUS Australia - Grant Irvine
  2. :AUS Australia - David Morgan
  3. :BEL Belgium - Louis Croenen
  4. :BRA Brazil - Kaio Almeida
  5. :BRA Brazil - Leonardo De Deus
  6. :CHN China - Li Zhuhao
  7. :CHN China - Wu Yuhang
  8. :COL Colombia - Jonathan Diego Gomez Noriega
  9. :DEN Denmark - Viktor Bromer
  10. :FRA France - Jordan Coelho
  11. :GRE Greece - Stefanos Dimitriadis
  12. :HUN Hungary - Laszlo Cseh
  13. :HUN Hungary - Tamas Kenderesi
  14. :IND India - Sajan Prakash
  15. :ISR Israel - Gal Nevo
  16. :JPN Japan - Masato Sakai
  17. :JPN Japan - Daiya Seto
  18. :NZL New Zealand - Bradlee Ashby
  19. :POL Poland - Jan Switkowski
  20. :RUS Russia - Evgeny Koptelov
  21. :RUS Russia - Daniil Pakhomov
  22. :SIN Singapore - Zheng Wen Quah
  23. :SIN Singapore - Jospeh Schooling
  24. :SLO Slovenia - Robert Zbogar
  25. :RSA South Africa - Chad Le Closs
  26. :RSA South Africa - Sebastien Rousseau
  27. :ESP Spain - Carlos Peralta Gallego
  28. :SWE Sweden - Simon Sjodin
  29. :USA United States - Michael Phelps
  30. :USA United States - Tom Shields



Total Athletes Qualified  30

Total Nations Qualified  21

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Men's 200m Individual Medley

Qualified Nations:

  1. :AUS Australia - Thomas Fraser-Holmes
  2. :AUS Australia - Travis Mahoney
  3. :BEL Belgium - Emmanuel Vanluchene
  4. :BRA Brazil - Henrique Rodrigues
  5. :BRA Brazil - Thiago Pereira
  6. :CHN China - Wang Shun
  7. :CHN China - Hu Yixuan
  8. :EGY Egypt - Mohamed Hussein
  9. :GER Germany - Philip Heintz
  10. :GBR Great Britain - Ieuan Lloyd
  11. :GBR Great Britain - Dan Wallace
  12. :GRE Greece - Andreas Vazaios
  13. :HUN Hungary - David Verraszto
  14. :ISR Israel - Gal Nevo
  15. :ITA Italy - Federico Turrini
  16. :JPN Japan - Hiromasa Fujiri
  17. :JPN Japan - Kosuke Hagino
  18. :LAT Latvia - Uvis Kalnins
  19. :LUX Luxembourg - Raphael Stacchiotti
  20. :MKD Macedonia - Marko Blazevski
  21. :NZL New Zealand - Bradlee Ashby
  22. :POR Portugal - Diogo Carvalho
  23. :POR Portugal - Alexis Santos
  24. :RUS Russia - Semen Makovich
  25. :ESP Spain - Eduardo Solaeche
  26. :SWE Sweden - Simon Sjodin
  27. :SUI Switzerland - Jeremy Desplanches
  28. :TUN Tunisia - Ahmed Mathlouthi
  29. :USA United States - Ryan Lochte
  30. :USA United States - Michael Phelps



Total Athletes Qualified  30

Total Nations Qualified  23

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Men's 400m Individual Medley

Qualified Nations:

  1. :ANG Angola - Pedro Pinotes
  2. :AUS Australia - Thomas Fraser-Holmes
  3. :AUS Australia - Travis Mahoney
  4. :BRA Brazil - Brandonn Almeida
  5. :CHN China - Wang Shun
  6. :CUB Cuba - Luis Emigdio Vega Torres
  7. :CZE Czech Republic - Pavel Janecek
  8. :GER Germany - Jacob Heidtmann
  9. :GER Germany - Johannes Hintze
  10. :GBR Great Britain - Max Litchfield
  11. :HUN Hungary - Gergely Gyurta
  12. :HUN Hungary - David Verraszto
  13. :ISR Israel - Gal Nevo
  14. :ITA Italy - Luca Marin
  15. :ITA Italy - Federico Turrini
  16. :JPN Japan - Kosuke Hagino
  17. :JPN Japan - Daiya Seto
  18. :LIE Liechtenstein - Christoph Martin Meier
  19. :LUX Luxembourg - Raphael Stacchiotti
  20. :POR Portugal - Alexis Santos
  21. :SVK Slovakia - Richard Nagy
  22. :RSA South Africa - Michael Meyer
  23. :RSA South Africa - Sebastien Rousseau
  24. :ESP Spain - Joan Lluis Pons Ramon
  25. :SUI Switzerland - Jeremy Desplanches
  26. :USA United States - Chase Kalisz
  27. :USA United States - Jay Litherland



Total Athletes Qualified  27

Total Nations Qualified  20

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Men's 4x100m Freestyle Relay

Qualified Nations:

  1. :AUS Australia.
  2. :BEL Belgium.
  3. :BRA Brazil.
  4. :CAN Canada.
  5. :CHN China.
  6. :FRA France.
  7. :GER Germany.
  8. :GRE Greece.
  9. :HUN Hungary.
  10. :ITA Italy.
  11. :JPN Japan.
  12. :POL Poland.
  13. :ROU Romania.
  14. :RUS Russia.
  15. :ESP Spain.
  16. :USA United States.



Total Athletes Qualified  64

Total Nations Qualified  16


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Men's 4x200m Freestyle Relay

Qualified Nations:

  1. :AUS Australia.
  2. :BEL Belgium.
  3. :BRA Brazil.
  4. :DEN Denmark.
  5. :FRA France.
  6. :GER Germany.
  7. :GBR Great Britain.
  8. :HUN Hungary.
  9. :ITA Italy.
  10. :JPN Japan.
  11. :NED Netherlands.
  12. :POL Poland.
  13. :RUS Russia.
  14. :RSA South Africa.
  15. :ESP Spain.
  16. :USA United States.



Total Athletes Qualified  64

Total Nations Qualified  16


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Men's 4x100m Medley Relay

Qualified Nations:

  • :AUS Australia.
  • :BRA Brazil.
  • :CAN Canada.
  • :CHN China.
  • :FRA France.
  • :GER Germany.
  • :GBR Great Britain.
  • :GRE Greece.
  • :HUN Hungary.
  • :ITA Italy.
  • :JPN Japan.
  • :LTU Lithuania.
  • :POL Poland.
  • :RUS Russia.
  • :RSA South Africa.
  • :USA United States.



Total Athletes Qualified  64

Total Nations Qualified  16


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Men's 10km Marathon Swimming

Qualified Nations:

  1. :AUS Australia - Jarrod Poort
  2. :BRA Brazil - Allan do Carmo
  3. :BUL Bulgaria - Ventsislav Aydarski
  4. :CAN Canada - Richard Weinberger
  5. :CHN China - Zu Lijun
  6. :ECU Ecuador - Ivan Enderica Ochoa
  7. :EGY Egypt - Marwan El-Amrawy
  8. :FRA France - Marc-Antoine Olivier
  9. :GER Germany - Christian Reichert
  10. :GBR Great Britain - Jack Burnell
  11. :GRE Greece - Spyridon Gianniotis
  12. :HUN Hungary - Mark Papp
  13. :ITA Italy - Simone Ruffini
  14. :ITA Italy - Federico Vanelli
  15. :JPN Japan - Yasunari Hirai
  16. :KAZ Kazakhstan - Vitaliy Khudyakov
  17. :NED Netherlands - Ferry Weertman
  18. :NZL New Zealand - Kane Radford
  19. :RUS Russia - Evgeny Drattsev
  20. :SVK Slovakia - Richard Nagy
  21. :RSA South Africa - Chad Ho
  22. :TUN Tunisia - Oussama Mellouli
  23. :USA United States - Sean Ryan
  24. :USA United States - Jordan Wilimovsky
  25. :VEN Venezuela - Erwin Maldonado




Total Athletes Qualified  25

Total Nations Qualified  23


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    Women's 50m Freestyle

    Qualified Nations:


    1. :ANT Antigua and Barbuda - Samantha Roberts
    2. :ARM Armenia - Monika Vasilyan
    3. :ARU Aruba - Allyson Ponson
    4. :AUS Australia - Bronte Campbell
    5. :AUS Australia - Cate Campbell
    6. :AUT Austria - Birgit Koschischek
    7. :BAH Bahamas - Arianna Vanderpool-Wallace
    8. :BRN Bahrain - Fatema Al-Mahmeed
    9. :BAN Bangladesh - Sonia Aktar
    10. :BLR Belarus - Aliaksandra Herasimenia
    11. :BLR Belarus - Yuliya Khitraya
    12. :BEN Benin - Laraiba Gnon Cessy Seibou
    13. :BER Bermuda - Rebecca Heyliger
    14. :BOL Bolivia - Karen Milenka Torrez Guzman
    15. :BOT Botswan - Naomi Ruele
    16. :BRA Brazil - Etiene Medeiros
    17. :BRA Brazil - Graciele Herrmann
    18. :IVB British Virgin Islands - Elinah Phillip
    19. :BUR Burkina Faso - Angelika Sita Ouedraogo
    20. :BDI Burundi - Elsie Uwamahoro
    21. :CAM Cambodia - Vitiny Hemthon
    22. :CAN Canada - Chantal Van Langhedem
    23. :CAN Canada - Michelle Williams
    24. :CAF Central African Republic - Chloe Sauvourel
    25. :CHN China - Chen Xinyi
    26. :CHN China - Liu Xiang
    27. :TPE Chinese Taipei - Lin Pei-Wun
    28. :COL Colombia - Isabella Arcila Hurtado
    29. :COM Comoros - Mohamed Andhumdine Nazlati
    30. :CGO Congo - Stefan Bellore Sangala
    31. :DEN Denmark - Pernille Blume
    32. :DEN Denmark - Jeanette Ottesen
    33. :DOM Dominican Republic - Dorian McMenemy
    34. :EGY Egypt - Farida Osman
    35. :ETH Ethiopia - Rahel Fsela Gebresilassie
    36. :FRA France - Melanie Henique
    37. :FRA France - Anna Santamans
    38. :GER Germany - Dorothea Brandt
    39. :GBR Great Britain - Francesca Halsall
    40. :GRE Greece - Theodora Drakou
    41. :GRE Greece - Theodora Giareni
    42. :GUI Guinea - Mariama Dioulde Sow
    43. :GUY Guyana - Jamila Sanmoogan
    44. :HAI Haiti - Naomy Hope Grand Pierre
    45. :HKG Hong Kong - Camille Cheng
    46. :HUN Hungary - Fora Molnar
    47. :ISR Israel - Andrea Murez
    48. :ISR Israel - Zohar Hen Shikler
    49. :ITA Italy - Silvia Di Pietro
    50. :ITA Italy - Erika Ferraioli
    51. :JPN Japan - Rikako Ikee
    52. :JPN Japan - Yayoi Matsumoto
    53. :JOR Jordan - Talita Baqlah
    54. :KUW Kuwait - Faye Hussain
    55. :LAO Laos - Siri Arun Budcharem
    56. :LUX Luxembourg - Julie Meynen
    57. :MAW Malawi - Ammara Pinto
    58. :MLI Mali - Fatoumata Samassekou
    59. :MLT Malta - Nicola Muscat
    60. :MAR Morocco - Noura Mana
    61. :MHL Marshall Islands - Colleen Furgeson
    62. :MEX Mexico - Lili Ibanez Lopez
    63. :FSM Micronesia - Debra Daniel
    64. :MGL Mongolia - Yesui Bayar
    65. :MYA Myanmar - Ei Ei Thet
    66. :NIG Niger - Roukaya Moussa Mahamane
    67. :NED Netherlands - Inge Dekker
    68. :NED Netherlands - Ranomi Kromowidjojo
    69. :NOR Norway - Susann Bjoernsen
    70. :PAK Pakistan - Lianna Catherine Swan
    71. :PLW Palau - Dirngulbai Misech
    72. :PLE Palestine - Miri Alatrash
    73. :POL Poland - Aleksandra Urbanczyk
    74. :POL Poland - Anna Dowgiert
    75. :PUR Puerto Rico - Vanessa Garcia Vega
    76. :RUS Russia - Rozaliya Nasretdinova
    77. :SEN Senegal - Awa Ly Ndiaye
    78. :SLE Sierra Leone - Bunturabie Jalloh
    79. :SUD Sudan - Haneen Ibrahim
    80. :SWE Sweden - Therese Alshammar
    81. :SWE Sweden - Sarah Sjostrom
    82. :SUI Switzerland - Sasha Touretski
    83. :SYR Syria - Baean Jouma
    84. :TJK Tajikistan - Anastasiya Tyurina
    85. :TAN Tanzania - Magdalena Ruth Alex Moshi
    86. :TOG Togo - Adzo Rebecca Kpossi
    87. :TGA Tonga - Irene Prescott
    88. :UKR Ukraine - Darya Stepanyuk
    89. :UAE United Arab Emirates - Nada Albedwawi
    90. :USA United States - Simone Manuel
    91. :USA United States - Abby Weitzeil



    Total Athletes Qualified  91

    Total Nations Qualified  76

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    Women's 100m Freestyle

    Qualified Nations:

    1. :ALB Albania - Nikol Merizaj
    2. :AND Andorra - Monica Ramirez Abella
    3. :ANG Angola - Ana Nobrega
    4. :AUS Australia - Bronte Campbell
    5. :AUS Australia - Cate Campbell
    6. :AZE Azerbaijan - Fatima Alkaramova
    7. :BAH Bahamas - Arianna Vanderpool-Wallace
    8. :BLR Belarus - Aliaksandra Herasimenia
    9. :BRA Brazil - Larissa Oliveira
    10. :BRA Brazil - Etiene Medeiros
    11. :BUL Bulgaria - Nina Rangelova
    12. :CAN Canada - Penny Oleksiak
    13. :CAN Canada - Chantal Van Landeghem
    14. :CHN China - Shen Duo
    15. :CHN China - Zhu Menghui
    16. :COK Cook Islands - Tracy Keith-Matchitt
    17. :DEN Denmark - Pernille Blume
    18. :DEN Denmark - Jeanette Ottesen
    19. :FRA France - Charlotte Bonet
    20. :FRA France - Beryl Gastaldello
    21. :HKG Hong Kong - Camille Cheng
    22. :ISR Israel - Andrea Murez
    23. :ITA Italy - Erika Ferraioli
    24. :ITA Italy - Federica Pellegrini
    25. :JPN Japan - Rikako Ikee
    26. :JPN Japan - Miki Uchida
    27. :LUX Luxembourg - Julie Meynen
    28. :MAD Madagascar - Aina Estellah Fils Rabetsara
    29. :MDV Maledives - Aminath Shajan
    30. :MRI Mauritius - Heather Arseth
    31. :MNE Montenegro - Jovana Terzic
    32. :NED Netherlands - Femke Heemskerk
    33. :NED Netherlands - Ranomi Kromowidjojo
    34. :NOR Norway - Susann Bjoernsen
    35. :PAR Paraguay - Karen Nathalia Riveros Schulz
    36. :PHI Philippines - Jasmine Alkhaldi
    37. :POL Poland - Katarzyna Wilk
    38. :WHT Refugee Olympic Athlete - Yusra Mardini
    39. :ROU Romania - Ana-Iulia Dascal
    40. :RUS Russia - Veronika Popova
    41. :SWE Sweden - Michelle Coleman
    42. :SWE Sweden - Sarah Sjostrom
    43. :SUI Switzerland - Maria Ugolkova
    44. :THA Thailand - Natthanan Junkrajang
    45. :USA United States - Simone Manuel
    46. :USA United States - Abbey Weitzeil
    47. :URU Uruguay - Ines Remersaro
    48. :ZAM Zambia - Jade Howard



    Total Athletes Qualified  48

    Total Nations Qualified  38


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