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Team GB Full delegation announced


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Hold your horses, (pun intended), the GB score, excluding Dujardin, from the 2024 European with Moody's score from a few weeks ago is 234.481, which is better than GB's silver winning score at the 2022 worlds, although would be 5pts behind what the Germans scored at the 2024 Europeans, so whilst the team is weaker, they are definately not 'down and out'. 


The real question is the psychological affect of all this on the team, as well as how prepared Moody is. You can't forget that this will send shockwaves through the Dressage world, and so could affect other nations athletes too, especially if they are also guilty of such practices. 

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1 minute ago, TeamGB said:

Hold your horses, (pun intended), the GB score, excluding Dujardin, from the 2024 European with Moody's score from a few weeks ago is 234.481, which is better than GB's silver winning score at the 2022 worlds, although would be 5pts behind what the Germans scored at the 2024 Europeans, so whilst the team is weaker, they are definately not 'down and out'. 


The real question is the psychological affect of all this on the team, as well as how prepared Moody is. You can't forget that this will send shockwaves through the Dressage world, and so could affect other nations athletes too, especially if they are also guilty of such practices. 

so you mean there is chance GB dressage funding wont be in danger after all! Orangehair is going to need to release another video

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As I mentioned earlier, Glamourdale outscored ImHoTep on recent tests (very narrowly) so Lotte was considered 2nd favourite for the gold with a slightly better chance than Charlotte.


the team score I find harder to place relative to others; I imagine the team GB equestrian unit will be deeply shocked by this on the eve of the games.


I think you’d have to be pretty naive to think the timing of this is coincidental; whether you care about this aspect is more judgemental. To me it’s utterly cras just to force a penalty at the most opportune time. CDJ should be held accountable for her actions and I’m sure the deemed punishment will be appropriate; but serving it 4 years after the alleged incident to me is symptomatic of the cancel culture we live in today. And there should be significant scrutiny over why this has taken so long to emerge, and for it to emerge precisely 1 week before the Olympic dressage.

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14 hours ago, Olympicsnell said:

so you mean there is chance GB dressage funding wont be in danger after all! Orangehair is going to need to release another video

Her lottery funding has been suspended .

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38 minutes ago, Mkbw50 said:


Having now seen the video, the sport is screwed. Why? Because this is nothing compared to what goes on in most dressage stables regularly, especially on the continent - it is absolutely standard training procedure. IMHO Dujardin has taken 'one for the team' here rather than fess up that this is what dressage is - like one of the old fashioned doping cyclists who says nothing when caught, even though he knows all his rivals are at it..

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I saw the video, and thought... was that it? Not in a "it's okay" way, just in a "I thought that was normal there" way

As now we come across the world
To share these Games of old
Let all the flags of every land
In brotherhood unfold

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8 minutes ago, Orangehair43 said:

You must be happy. Everyone else celebrating the sport starting, meanwhile your happy cause an athlete got defunded smh

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6 minutes ago, Mkbw50 said:

I saw the video, and thought... was that it? Not in a "it's okay" way, just in a "I thought that was normal there" way

There was one moment, after she whips the first set, where the horse rears up and looks distressed, it was at that moment she lost my support

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