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Women's Volleyball FIVB World Cup 2019


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Day 1 Results:

:USA United States 3-0 :KEN Kenya ( 25-14 / 25-20 / 25-14 )




:RUS Russia 3-0 :CMR Cameroon ( 25-14 / 25-25 / 25-10 )




:NED Netherlands 3-0 :ARGArgentina ( 25-16 / 25-17 / 25-19 )



:CHN China 3-0 :KOR South Korea ( 25-21 / 25-14 / 25-15 )




:BRA Brazil 3-2 :SRB Serbia ( 25-20 / 23-25 / 25-18 / 22-25 / 15-12 )



:JPN Japan 3-1 :DOMDominican Rep. ( 25-21 / 25-11 / 24-26 / 25-14)




My favourite Volleyball position: LIBERO. You ask why? Look here.


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 Day 2 Results:

:NED Netherlands 3-0 :KEN Kenya ( 25-12 / 25-19 / 25-17 )




:CHN Chnia 3-0 :CMR Cameroon ( 25-18 / 25-14 / 25-19 )




:USA United States 3-1 :SRB Serbia ( 23-25 / 25-17 / 25-16 / 25-15 )




:DOM Dominican Rep. 3-1 :KOR South Korea ( 25-17 / 24-26 /.25-23 / 25-23 )




:BRA Brazil 3-0 :ARG Argentina ( 25-17 / 25-19 / 25-16 )




:RUS Russia 3-2 :JPN Japan ( 25-11 / 23-25 / 25-27 / 25-19 / 15-7 )




My favourite Volleyball position: LIBERO. You ask why? Look here.


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Kind of expected but the Netherlands finally managed to beat Brazil...they were on a losing streak of at least 19 matches against them after the 2007 World GP finals.

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Day 3 Results


:SRB Serbia 3-0 :KEN Kenya ( 25-13 / 25-11 / 25-17 )




:DOM Dominican Rep. 3-2 :CMR Cameroon ( 25-17 / 25-15 / 23-25 / 28-30 / 15-10 )




:USA United States 3-1 :ARG Argentina ( 25-21 / 25-18 / 21- 25 / 25-11 )




:CHN China 3-0 :RUS Russia ( 25-22 / 25-16 / 25-18 )




:NED Netherland 3-0 :BRA Brazil ( 25-23 / 25-21 / 25-22)




:KOR South Korea 3-1 :JPN Japan ( 23-25 / 25-19 / 25-22 / 27-25 )


My favourite Volleyball position: LIBERO. You ask why? Look here.


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Day 4 Results


:SRB Serbia vs :ARG Argentina 3-1 ( 25-15 / 23-25 / 25-23 / 25-23 )



:RUS Russia 3-0 :KOR South Korea ( 25-18 / 29-27 / 25-12 )




:USA United States 3-0 :NED Netherlands ( 25-23 / 25-18 / 25-19 )




:CHN China 3-0 :DOM Dominican Republic ( 25-19 ./ 25-21 / 25-19 )




:BRA Brazil 3-0 :KEN Kenya ( 25-20 / 25-17 / 25-14 )




:JPN Japan 3-0 :CMR Cameroon ( 25-17 / 25-17 / 25-20 )



My favourite Volleyball position: LIBERO. You ask why? Look here.


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I will be very surprised if China and Serbia do not face each other again for gold in Tokyo 2020. 


About our team ... I know we don't have super players, but it's still a good team. But we are playing horribly, this is getting worse every day.

I still think that with all the key players we can fight for maybe a bronze in Tokyo, but it's worrying.

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Day 5 Results


:SRB Serbia 3-2 :NED Netherlands ( 18-25 / 23-25 / 25-19 / 26-24 / 15-9 )


:RUS Russia 3-2 :DOM Dominican Republic ( 25-16 / 25-23 / 23-25 / 23-25 / 15-5 )




:ARG Argentina 3-0 :KEN Kenya ( 25-14 / 25-19 ./ 25-15 )




:KOR South Korea 3-0 :CMR Cameroon ( 25-21 / 25-18 / 25-18 )




:USA United States 3-0 :BRA Brazil ( 25-22 / 25-18 / 25-19 )




:CHN China 3-0 :JPN Japan ( 25-17 / 25-10 / 25-17 )




My favourite Volleyball position: LIBERO. You ask why? Look here.


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Day 5 Results


:KOR South Korea 3-1 :ARG Argentina ( 25-19 / 21-25 / 25-19 / 25-9 )



:DOM Dominican Rep. 3-0 :KEN Kenya ( 25-17 / 25-19 / 25-19 )




:NED Netherlands 3-0 :CMR Cameroo ( 25-15 / 25-14 / 25-18 )




:CHN China 3-2 :BRA Brazil ( 25-23 / 23-25 / 22-25 / 25-19 / 15-9 )




:RUS Russia 3-1 :SRB Serbia ( 25-16 / 20-25 / 25-23 / 25-16 )





:USA United States 3-2 :JPN Japan ( 26-24 / 22-25 / 25-21 / 23-25 / 15-8 )




My favourite Volleyball position: LIBERO. You ask why? Look here.


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Day 6 Results


:NED Netherlands 3-1 :KOR South Korea ( 25-19 / 21-25 / 25-22 / 25-23 )




:BRA Brazil 3-1 :DOM Dominican Rep. ( 25-16 / 23-25 / 25-19 / 25-22 )




:SRB Serbia 3-0 :CMR Cameroon ( 25-22 / 25-14 / 25-17 )





:CHN China 3-0 :USA United States ( 25-16 / 25-17 / 25-22 )



:RUS Russia 3-0 :ARG Argentina ( 25-21 / 25-16 / 25-21 )




:JPN Japan 3-0 :KEN Kenya ( 25-18 / 25-22 / 25-20 )




My favourite Volleyball position: LIBERO. You ask why? Look here.


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