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Women's Curling WCF Division C European Championship 2023


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 Qualified Nations

  • FRA.gif France
  • IRL.gif Ireland
  • NED.gif Netherlands
  • POL.gif Poland
  • POR.gif Portugal
  • SRB.gif Serbia
  • SVK.gif Slovakia
  • ESP.gif Spain
  • UKR.gif Ukraine
  • WAL.gif Wales


Competition Format


April 28th - May 3rd, 2023
10 Nations, Round-Robin,
the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th Nations will qualify for the Semifinals
May 4th, 2023
4 Nations, Semifinal, Bronze Medal Match and Gold Medal Match, the winning Nation will be the Women's Curling WCF Division C European 2023 Champion
Edited by frantic13poland
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Road to the Women's Curling WCF Division B European Championship 2023



The 1st and 2nd Nations will qualify for the Women's Curling WCF Division B European Championship 2023.

Nations already Qualified for the Women's Curling WCF Division B European Championship 2023

  • AUT.gif Austria
  • BEL.gif Belgium
  • CZE.gif Czechia
  • ENG.gif England
  • EST.gif Estonia
  • FIN.gif Finland
  • HUN.gif Hungary
    LAT.gif Latvia
  • LTU.gif Lithuania
  • SLO.gif Slovenia
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Preliminary Round
April 28th - May 3rd, 2023
  10 Nations, Round-Robin,
the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th Nations will qualify for the Semifinals


  • FRA.gif France
  • IRL.gif Ireland
  • NED.gif Netherlands
  • POL.gif Poland
  • POR.gif Portugal
  • SRB.gif Serbia
  • SVK.gif Slovakia
  • ESP.gif Spain
  • UKR.gif Ukraine
  • WAL.gif Wales
British Summer Time (GMT +1)
Spain ESP.gif 12 - 3 FRA.gif France
April 28th 2023, h. 19:00, Dunfries Ice Bowl, Dumfries
Wales WAL.gif 4 - 7 IRL.gif Ireland
April 28th 2023, h. 19:00, Dunfries Ice Bowl, Dumfries
Portugal POR.gif 9 - 4 POL.gif Poland
April 28th 2023, h. 19:00, Dunfries Ice Bowl, Dumfries
Serbia SRB.gif 0 - 13 UKR.gif Ukraine
April 28th 2023, h. 19:00, Dunfries Ice Bowl, Dumfries
Slovakia SVK.gif 1 - 10 NED.gif Netherlands
April 28th 2023, h. 19:00, Dunfries Ice Bowl, Dumfries
Portugal POR.gif 13 - 1 SRB.gif Serbia
April 29th 2023, h. 10:00, Dunfries Ice Bowl, Dumfries
Netherlands NED.gif 4 - 5 UKR.gif Ukraine
April 29th 2023, h. 10:00, Dunfries Ice Bowl, Dumfries
Ireland IRL.gif 7 - 5 ESP.gif Spain
April 29th 2023, h. 10:00, Dunfries Ice Bowl, Dumfries
Slovakia SVK.gif 8 - 4 FRA.gif France
April 29th 2023, h. 10:00, Dunfries Ice Bowl, Dumfries
Poland POL.gif 10 - 6 WAL.gif Wales
April 29th 2023, h. 10:00, Dunfries Ice Bowl, Dumfries
Ireland IRL.gif 4 - 8 SVK.gif Slovakia
April 29th 2023, h. 19:00, Dunfries Ice Bowl, Dumfries
France FRA.gif 2 - 9 POL.gif Poland
April 29th 2023, h. 19:00, Dunfries Ice Bowl, Dumfries
Serbia SRB.gif 1 - 11 WAL.gif Wales
April 29th 2023, h. 19:00, Dunfries Ice Bowl, Dumfries
Portugal POR.gif 9 - 7 NED.gif Netherlands
April 29th 2023, h. 19:00, Dunfries Ice Bowl, Dumfries
Ukraine UKR.gif 6 - 4 ESP.gif Spain
April 29th 2023, h. 19:00, Dunfries Ice Bowl, Dumfries
Wales WAL.gif 5 - 8 NED.gif Netherlands
April 30th 2023, h. 14:30, Dunfries Ice Bowl, Dumfries
Spain ESP.gif 5 - 6EE POR.gif Portugal
April 30th 2023, h. 14:30, Dunfries Ice Bowl, Dumfries
Slovakia SVK.gif 9 - 3 UKR.gif Ukraine
April 30th 2023, h. 14:30, Dunfries Ice Bowl, Dumfries
Poland POL.gif 9 - 5 IRL.gif Ireland
April 30th 2023, h. 14:30, Dunfries Ice Bowl, Dumfries
Serbia SRB.gif 1 - 8 FRA.gif France
April 30th 2023, h. 14:30, Dunfries Ice Bowl, Dumfries
Poland POL.gif 7 - 5 UKR.gif Ukraine
May 1st 2023, h. 10:00, Dunfries Ice Bowl, Dumfries
Slovakia SVK.gif 14 - 1 SRB.gif Serbia
May 1st 2023, h. 10:00, Dunfries Ice Bowl, Dumfries
Netherlands NED.gif 5 - 7 FRA.gif France
May 1st 2023, h. 10:00, Dunfries Ice Bowl, Dumfries
Wales WAL.gif 6 - 8 ESP.gif Spain
May 1st 2023, h. 10:00, Dunfries Ice Bowl, Dumfries
Ireland IRL.gif 4 - 6 POR.gif Portugal
May 1st 2023, h. 10:00, Dunfries Ice Bowl, Dumfries
Netherlands NED.gif 7 - 6 ESP.gif Spain
May 1st 2023, h. 19:00, Dunfries Ice Bowl, Dumfries
Ireland IRL.gif 8 - 7 FRA.gif France
May 1st 2023, h. 19:00, Dunfries Ice Bowl, Dumfries
Poland POL.gif 22 - 0 SRB.gif Serbia
May 1st 2023, h. 19:00, Dunfries Ice Bowl, Dumfries
Ukraine UKR.gif 8 - 3 POR.gif Portugal
May 1st 2023, h. 19:00, Dunfries Ice Bowl, Dumfries
Wales WAL.gif 4 - 7 SVK.gif Slovakia
May 1st 2023, h. 19:00, Dunfries Ice Bowl, Dumfries
Serbia SRB.gif 2 - 13 IRL.gif Ireland
May 2nd 2023, h. 14:30, Dunfries Ice Bowl, Dumfries
Portugal POR.gif 4 - 6 WAL.gif Wales
May 2nd 2023, h. 14:30, Dunfries Ice Bowl, Dumfries
Spain ESP.gif 10 - 6 SVK.gif Slovakia
May 2nd 2023, h. 14:30, Dunfries Ice Bowl, Dumfries
Netherlands NED.gif 4 - 6 POL.gif Poland
May 2nd 2023, h. 14:30, Dunfries Ice Bowl, Dumfries
France FRA.gif 6 - 12 UKR.gif Ukraine
May 2nd 2023, h. 14:30, Dunfries Ice Bowl, Dumfries
Serbia SRB.gif 2 - 13 NED.gif Netherlands
May 3rd 2023, h. 10:00, Dunfries Ice Bowl, Dumfries
Ukraine UKR.gif 5 - 7 IRL.gif Ireland
May 3rd 2023, h. 10:00, Dunfries Ice Bowl, Dumfries
France FRA.gif 9 - 8 WAL.gif Wales
May 3rd 2023, h. 10:00, Dunfries Ice Bowl, Dumfries
Spain ESP.gif 8 - 3 POL.gif Poland
May 3rd 2023, h. 10:00, Dunfries Ice Bowl, Dumfries
Ukraine UKR.gif 6 - 7EE WAL.gif Wales
May 3rd 2023, h. 19:00, Dunfries Ice Bowl, Dumfries
Poland POL.gif 8 - 4 SVK.gif Slovakia
May 3rd 2023, h. 19:00, Dunfries Ice Bowl, Dumfries
France FRA.gif 1 - 9 POR.gif Portugal
May 3rd 2023, h. 19:00, Dunfries Ice Bowl, Dumfries
Spain ESP.gif 14 - 1 SRB.gif Serbia
May 3rd 2023, h. 19:00, Dunfries Ice Bowl, Dumfries
Netherlands NED.gif 2 - 10 IRL.gif Ireland
May 3rd 2023, h. 19:00, Dunfries Ice Bowl, Dumfries
Round-Robin Final Standing
POL.gif Poland
SVK.gif Slovakia
POR.gif Portugal
IRL.gif Ireland
UKR.gif Ukraine
ESP.gif Spain
NED.gif Netherlands
FRA.gif France
WAL.gif Wales
SRB.gif Serbia
Edited by frantic13poland
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