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Nations spotted during the games


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Hi, I have an idea for a nice little game during the WOG. Maybe you also want to participate, so I share it with you. :teacher:


I just started to write down every NOC, that athletes I saw during the competition. I am curious how many “exotic” nations I could find.  :question:


Day -2: :SWE  :GBR :AUS :USA :CHN :SUI  - just curling

Day -1: :GBR :CAN :ROC :FRA :JPN :AUS :USA :KAZ :AUT :CHN :BRA :ITA :SUI :FIN :SWE  - curling & moguls

Day 0 : :SWE :AUS :CZE :ITA :CAN :CHN - I didn't watch opening ceremony :facepalm:(If you watch it, you probably caught them all!)



At the end of the games it could be interessting kind of olympic diary.


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