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Italy National Thread


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Stage 1


SWE.gif Oestersund (SWE) - 26 November 2017 - 3 December 2017 SWE.gif




Mixed 2x6km+2x75km Team Relay (1/3)
Final Results


NOR.gif Norway
1:110:57.10+2 0+4


ITA.gif Italy
1:10:57.10+1 0+5


GER.gif Germany
1:11:41.30+6 1+6
Edited by Gianlu33
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Novità dal passato.. cambiano (vabbè ormai è usuale) i risultati di Sochi 2014 ma questa volta ci pensa Karin Oberhofer ad alleviare la delusione di uno sport massacrato.

In seguito alla squalifica per doping della russa Olga Vilukhina l'azzurra sale dalla quarta piazza ad una possibile medaglia di bronzo.

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Buon sesto posto per Lukas Hofer in Coppa del mondo nonostante i due errori al poligono. L'azzurro conferma le buone sensazioni di inizio torneo.. speriamo che si continui così.

Giornata da dimenticare al poligono per Windish e Bromolini, 5 errori a testa.


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Bridgestone Skate America


USA.gif Lake Placid (USA) - 24 November 2017 - 26 November 2017 USA.gif




Mixed Ice Dance 
Final Results


USA.gif United States


ITA.gif Italy



RUS.gif Russia
Edited by Gianlu33
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Mondiali di nuoto IPC di Città del Messico

Mai l'Italia del nuoto, era arrivata così in alto a un Mondiale. Sono 38 le medaglie azzurre  a Città del Messico : 20 ori, 10 argenti, 8 bronzi che ci consacrano nell'elite mondiale, terzi dopo le corazzate cinese (56 medaglie) e statunitense (54) presenti con rappresentative molto più numerose della nostra.


Oro: 20

  • (5) Carlotta Gilli:100 dorso S13;  100 sl S13,; 100 farfalla S 12-13; 50 stile S13;  200 misti SM13
  • (3) Monica Boggioni: 100 stile S4; 50 stile S4;  150 misti SM3-4
  • (2) Alessia Scortechini: 100 sl S10 ; 100 farfalla S10
  • (2) Francesco Bettella:50 dorso S1; 100 dorso S1
  • (2) Federico Morlacchi: 200 misti SM9; 400 stile S9
  • (2) Simone Barlaam: 100 stile S9; 50 stile S9
  • (2) Efrem Morelli: 50 rana SB2; 150 misti SM4
  • Giulia Ghiretti: 100 farfalla SB4.
  • Antonio Fantin: 400 sl S6

Argento: 10

  • (2) Federico Morlacchi: 100 dorso S9; 100 farfalla S9
  • (2) Monica Boggioni: 50 dorso S4; 50 rana SB3
  • Alessia Scortechini: 50 sl S10
  • Francesco Bocciardo: 400sl S6
  • Vincenzo Boni: 50 dorso S3
  • Carlotta Gilli: 400 stile S13
  • staffetta maschile 4x100 (Morlacchi, Barlaam, Fantin e Bocciardo);
  • staffetta mix  4x50 (Monica Boggioni. Giulia Ghiretti, Efrem Morelli, Antonio Fantin)

Bronzo: 8

  • (2) Federico Morlacchi: 100 stile S9;  100 rana SB8
  • (2) Antonio Fantin: 100 stile S6; 100 dorso S6:
  • (2) Vincenzo Boni: 200 stile S3; 50 stile S3
  • Simone Barlaam: 100 dorso S9,
  • Giulia Ghiretti: 50 farfalla S5


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Grande Italia nella  quarta tappa della Coppa del Mondo 2017-2018 di speed skating a Salt Lake City (Usa).


Francesca Lollobrigida ha infatti vinto la mass start (8’53″49) davanti alla cinese Dan Guo e la coreana Bo-Reum Kim, quarta Francesca Bettrone


Il team pursuit azzurro (Andrea Giovannini, Nicola Tumolero e Riccardo Bugari) chiude  in seconda posizione con il crono di 3’36″54 (nuovo record italiano) alle spalle del Canada per appena 0″10 ed a precedere la forte formazione neozelandese di 0″25.



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  • Latest Posts around Totallympics

    • Rather negative     Both towards Vollering and towards the coach, who has been making a mess of this for years now (like Tokyo). Vollering literally said "it was not good for me that Markus and Vos were still in the front towards the end"     One of the most well-known journalists (albeit a bit of a drama queen, but in this case, he's right): "Absurdly bad race by Vollering. Unbelievable."   An entire analysis titled "Vollering only thought of herself and threw away and almost certain Dutch medal":   Vollering: "They were all riding just to make me lose"   The 100th time Vollering shows she should simply not be in a team like this. It is always trouble, every single time. We need a team with like 6 Marianne Vos clones, she has the experience, she can read a race like absolutely nobody else in the world can and she plays her role, whether that's the team captain or working for someone else, without complaining and to the fullest extent.   Vollering is the exact opposite of Vos. Vollering rides for Team Vollering, which consists of Demi Vollering. No matter what.
    • What did Dutch press make out of it? It was one of the worst "teamworks" I have ever seen in cycling.
    • There is a ton of evidence, even if you don't believe the Bible is real,  that israel is our ancestral land.  And we simply took what's ours.  And in fact there was never anyone named Palestinians there.   Simply a name given to the region by the Roman's.  But the actual people is just a collective of individuals from different Arab countries where they were kicked out from.  And we are expected to cater to them.   There are plenty of other countries that should take them.   Iran, qatar, Iraq, Kuwait, Yemen, Algeria,  libiya, Egypt, Tunisia, Morocco to name a few.   
    • Completely lost track of when the other final, but I just finished watching the pre-recorded version of it.   Team “Magic Mike” McEwen defeated Team Gushue 8-3 to win his third title (and in a row) of the season. 
    • Massive win indeed, a 80+ kilometer solo in the world championships, damn  (I mean, Sivakov jumped with him to try and help him of course, but couldn't do anything but sit in his wheel until he got dropped )
    • If even Erdogan calls you a psychopath, you're probably been....bad.    
    • Meanwhile:
    • Sure, some things are simply historical events retold with a kind of fantasy layer over it, to make it more appealing to read and/or - most importantly - to put some lessons into it, which is fine (and which is the main way to read most religious texts, as 'lessons' and messages by the writers instead of actual historical facts). But let's not pretend that things like Moses splitting the sea or the entire exodus have a significant historical basis, based on actual evidence. Anyway, like I said: I'm well aware people who believe the religious book of their choosing is a historical book aren't going to ever believe otherwise, I grew up in a town full of similiarly minded people  
    • Have you ever been to Israel? Because you can find historical evidence of many of the "stories"   And btw we are talking about 3000 years before us    
    • What a win, and what a year for this guy!     
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