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  1. Dominik Černý s Hanou Burzalovou vybojovali ďalšie atletické miestenky do Paríža 2024 Slovensko má po majstrovstvách sveta miešaných chodeckých tímov v tureckom letovisku Antalya 16 miesteniek na olympijské hry v Paríži. O dve miesta do parížskej výpravy pre Slovensko sa postarali chodci Dominik Černý s Hanou Burzalovou v miešanej štafete na maratónskej trati. Okrem toho má Slovensko v tejto disciplíne nárok aj na dve náhradnícke miesta. Snúbenci Černý s Burzalovou skončili v Antalyi celkovo na 21. mieste, v olympijskej kvalifikácii na 19., čo stačilo na zisk miestenky, ktorú získalo 22 dvojíc, pričom päť krajín s tímami v TOP 22 malo nárok na dve miestenky. Zverenci Romana Benčíka v banskobystrickej Dukle v Antalyi zlepšili aj vlastný slovenský rekord (3:11:17) z decembra minulého roku v Dubline na 3:05:38 h. Obrovskú smolu mala druhá slovenská dvojica. Až do 40. kilometra kráčali Mária Katerinka Czaková s Miroslavom Úradníkom za olympijskou miestenkou, avšak po treťom napomínaní za štýl musela ísť 3-násobná olympionička na tri minúty do tzv. „penalty zone“. Dovtedy išlo duo Czaková – Úradník výborne, mimo kvalifikované dvojice vypadli z 13. miesta a skončili celkovo na 24. priečke (3:06:11 h). Olympijské miestenky si v Antalyi vybojovali – po dve Španielsko, Austrália, Čína, Kolumbia a Japonsko, po jednej Taliansko, Mexiko, Brazília, Ukrajina, Francúzsko, Nemecko, India, Turecko, Slovensko, Poľsko, Kanada a Maďarsko. POVEDALI PO PRETEKOCH: (zdroj: Slovenský atletický zväz) Hana Burzalová: „Ťažko sa mi verí tomu, že sme sa kvalifikovali, kým nevidím naše umiestnenie oficiálne vo výsledkovej listine. Sama som mala počas pretekov z toho trochu chaos aj v súvislosti s odovzdávkami. Tie boli celkom neprehľadné, pretože sa nás tam nakopilo viac štafiet v jednom okamihu. Je to však úžasný pocit, keď si predstavím, kam sme sa dostali od prvej myšlienky, že by sme spoločne s Dominikom mohli ísť na olympiádu ako jeden tím. Už sa neviem dočkať chvíle, keď budeme stáť na štartovej čiare v Paríži. Mali sme stanovenú taktiku a tú sme v Antalyi dodržali. Spravili sme všetko pre to, aby sme sa počas pretekov cítili dobre. Nebol to z našej strany deň D, ale spoločne sme do toho dali všetky sily, čo sme v sebe mali.“ Dominik Černý: „Určite sme na začiatku pociťovali istú mieru nervozity, ale my sme sa obaja na preteky veľmi tešili. Skôr sme sa teda nemohli dočkať štartového výstrelu, aby sme to mohli rozbaliť. Teraz po skončení máme dobrý pocit z toho, že sme do pretekov dali všetko. Myslím si, že aj takticky sme to zvládli. Spätne však musím uznať, že to nebol úplne náš deň, preto sme radi, že sa to v konečnom dôsledku podarilo. Počas prestávok sme sa obaja celý čas hýbali. Vyklusávali sme, prezliekli sme sa do suchého, dopĺňali sme minerály, tekutiny, cukry, a potom už prišiel čas rozchodiť sa na ďalší úsek. Ubehlo to teda celkom rýchlo a nejaký útlm by zrejme neprospel. Výdajom energie je to teda pre každého člena štafety plnohodnotná vytrvalostná disciplína, prirovnal by som ju k tridsaťpäťke, nie k dvadsiatke a už vôbec nie k desiatke.“ Czaková s Úradníkom začali výborne. Šiesty tridsaťpäťkár z ME 2022 Úradník došiel do cieľa svojho úseku na 23. pozícii v rámci kvalifikácie. Skúsená odchovankyňa nitrianskej chôdze posunula štafetu na 19. priečku, ktorú zverenec Martina Pupiša vylepšil na treťom úseku ešte o štyri pozície. Finišmanka Czaková sa dokonca dostala na 12. miesto, lenže potom prišiel trest za porušenie chodeckého štýlu a trojminútová nútená zastávka. „Žiaľ, rozhodcovia neodviedli dobrú robotu, lebo Marika mala oddychovať o kolo skôr. Nechápem, prečo ju do trestnej zóny neposlali, keď mali, ale až o kolo neskôr. Viacerí sme sa však zhodli, že technicky Miro s Marikou nešli tak zle, aby boli napomínaní červenými kartami,“ hneval sa Úradníkov osobný kouč Martin Pupiš. Servítku pred ústa si nedával ani Czakovej tréner. „To, čo rozhodcovia predviedli, je neskutočné,“ krútil hlavou Matej Spišiak. „Marike nemám čo vyčítať. Bola pripravená perfektne, predviedla dve výborné desiatky, pričom druhú vyslovene vypúšťala, lebo nechcela riskovať, čo nebolo nutné. Mrzí nás to, ako to dopadlo, lebo by to bolo špičkové umiestenie podporené výborným výkonom.“ Článok prevzatý z SOŠ
  2. It looks so, but what a ride for Nitra though. They had to pass through the prequalifying round first and then kicking out the regular season champions from Poprad and dangerous regular season runner-up Michalovce in the semis, now they won both first games in Spišská 3rd from regular season. Trully respectable journey
  3. Tipos Extraliga Final Game 2: HK Spišská Nová Ves (3) - HK Nitra (8) 2-5 (0:3, 0:1, 2:1) Series Standing 0-2 Highlights
  4. Shooting and Canoe Slalom are 2 sports which have in common one important factor, they mainly depend on luck. In shooting especially the Shotgun events are just unpredictable, It is just impossible to make any predictions or locks in this sport, sure Zuzana just like Danka Barteková in Skeet can certainly be considered as contenders, but not as predicted medals, before Tokyo I was certain will medal in mixed trap as our pair was 3 years winning races left and right and then ended 4th at the Olympics losing to unknown american pair in the bronze game... Same for Canoe Slalom, We can win 4 golds just like we can fail to qualify to the final in all 4 events. This sport requires many factors to fall into place at the same time, current form, health, track setting, weather and wind conditions during the run and especially luck on the water
  5. Sunday April 21st, 2024 - Round-Robin Day 4 Schedule (GMT +2) 13:00 Romania vs Great Britain 16:30 Serbia vs Croatia 20:00 Netherlands vs Poland
  6. Saturday April 20th, 2024 - Round-Robin Day 3 Results (GMT +2) 13:00 Great Britain 4 - 0 Serbia 16:30 Poland 7 - 0 Romania 20:00 Croatia 3 - 5 Netherlands Provisional Standing After Day 3: 1. 9 ------------------ 2. 9 3. 6 4. 3 5. 0 ------------------ 6. 0
  7. Round-Robin Final Standing Nation P W(OTW) L(OTL) GF GA +/- Pt. Germany 5 5(1) 0(0) 25 11 +14 14 Ukraine 5 4(0) 1(1) 18 10 +8 13 Austria 5 3(1) 2(0) 21 14 +7 8 Hungary 5 2(0) 3(1) 21 25 -4 7 Denmark 5 1(0) 4(0) 10 20 -10 3 Japan 5 0(0) 5(0) 11 26 -15 0 The following Nation has qualified for the Men's Ice Hockey IIHF Under 18 World Championship 2025 Germany The following Nations have qualified for the Men's Ice Hockey IIHF Under 18 Division I Group A World Championship 2025 Austria Denmark Hungary Ukraine The following Nation has been relegated to the Men's Ice Hockey IIHF Under 18 Division I Group B World Championship 2025 Japan
  8. Saturday April 20th, 2024 - Round-Robin Last Day Results (GMT +2) 13:00 Ukraine 3 - 2 Austria 16:30 Japan 3 - 6 Hungary 20:00 Germany 6 - 4 Denmark
  9. Sunday April 21st, 2024 - Round-Robin Day 1 Schedule (GMT +2) 11:30 Netherlands vs France 15:00 South Korea vs Hungary 18:30 Norway vs Austria
  10. Sunday April 21st, 2024 - Round-Robin Day 1 Schedule (GMT +2) 12:30 Croatia vs Iceland 16:00 United Arab Emirates vs Israel 19:30 Australia vs Serbia
  11. Round-Robin Final Standing Nation P W(OTW) L(OTL) GF GA +/- Pt. Slovenia 5 4(0) 1(0) 29 14 +15 12 Lithuania 5 4(1) 1(0) 16 12 +4 11 Estonia 5 2(0) 3(0) 13 20 -7 6 France 5 2(0) 3(0) 15 19 -4 6 South Korea 5 2(0) 3(0) 15 17 -2 6 Italy 5 1(0) 4(1) 10 16 -6 4 The following Nation has qualified for the Men's Ice Hockey IIHF Under 18 Division I Group A World Championship 2025 Slovenia The following Nations have qualified for the Men's Ice Hockey IIHF Under 18 Division I Group B World Championship 2025 Estonia France Lithuania South Korea The following Nation has been relegated to the Men's Ice Hockey IIHF Under 18 Division II Group A World Championship 2025 Italy
  12. Saturday April 20th, 2024 - Round-Robin Last Day Results (GMT +3) 12:30 France 2 - 11 Slovenia 16:00 Estonia 3 - 4 Lithuania 19:30 Italy 2 - 4 South Korea
  13. Road to World Championship International Test Matches Saturday 20th April, 2024 --------------------------------- (Div IA) - 3-2 - 4-5 After Overtime - 3-2 After Overtime - 2-3
  14. 1) The France which played last week games and the France which will be at the worlds are 2 completely different galaxies. is waiting for the answers of their 2 NHLers extremely experienced and very good center Pierre-Edouard Bellemare and also a solid striker and highest ever french drafted in NHL Alex Texier (even if him being now at end of contract make him questionable to accept the invitation for the worlds though) + now Da Costa (one of the best ever french players of all times) they will also add 5-6 interesting names like Auvitu or Jordan Perret. and who know how is the situation with the Canadian born Spinozzi who is working on french papers for 2 years now and still waiting... No, I can see this french team doing some damages and battle even for the quarterfinals. 2) Quarterfinals definitely is a must. Whichever team we send the quarters are always the goal. Mandatory. Only Based on that the tournament is then the tournament evaluated as successful or unsuccessful. If we make the last 8 it is fine, if we do not make it it is a failure. This time we will face quite strong opposition. we have a tough group, and both last time medalists will arrive still influenced by their last year magic journey and would want to confirm it. as already mentioned can be the real deal this year in the quarters places battle, each team which will beat them will have a good plus to its account. will be probably the favorite for gold. The roster they are already building is just scarey. is clearly the other fav of the group. USA and Sweden should earn the first 2 places without too much problems. So there 2 more QF spots which we should play for against LAT, GER and FRA. The other 2 teams are dangerous too though. is a team which quite regularly cause us troubles (last year they beat us and that was the cause we missed the quarterfinals and direct qualification for the Olympics) and is promoted in the elite for the first time since 2002... so you can imagine how much motivated they will be to show that they are not here by mistake, I guess no team will have an easy game against them (maybe apart USA...) and their first line is quite strong plus with a solid goaltending anything can happen and upsets are definitely not so out of reach. So you see, this group will be very strong and open, but, let see the final roster each team will send and after that we can make better predictions
  15. No, as far as I know, they usually play some games against local clubs but nothing internationally is chedulled before the worlds for them. Yep, that´s why I am quite surprised by the french move, I understand Da Costa is their best player and all... but this may cause some unwanted pressure and problems on their team on and off the ice in . Czech journalists and the public will definitely make them feel it. you can bet on that.
  16. Interesting and unexpected move from the federation. They called Stephane Da Costa from KHL (He was not called since the start of the war, but somehow they changed their mind now.... well, will not be very popular at the worlds, Czechs will certainly boo him at every moment) It appears France will be alongside Kazakhstan the only nation having a KHLer in its roster.
  17. John Hynes named team head Coach for the worlds. Tim Stutzle will not reinforce He had to refuse the invitation due injury Martin Pospíšil from Calgary Flames is the 3rd NHLer confirmed for the Worlds after 2022 Overall Draft #1 & 2 picks Slaf and Nemec Current situation from what I found so far
  18. Saturday April 20th, 2024 - Round-Robin Day 3 Schedule (GMT +2) 13:00 Great Britain vs Serbia 16:30 Poland vs Romania 20:00 Croatia vs Netherlands
  19. Saturday April 20th, 2024 - Round-Robin Last Day Schedule (GMT +3) 12:30 France vs Slovenia 16:00 Estonia vs Lithuania 19:30 Italy vs South Korea
  20. Saturday April 20th, 2024 - Round-Robin Last Day Schedule (GMT +2) 13:00 Ukraine vs Austria 16:30 Japan vs Hungary 20:00 Germany vs Denmark
  21. Tipos Extraliga Final Game 1: HK Spišská Nová Ves (3) - HK Nitra (8) 2-3 (0:2, 1:0, 1:1) Series Standing 0-1 Highlights
  22. Road to World Championship International Test Matches Friday 19th April, 2024 --------------------------------- - 2-1 After Overtime - (Div IA) 1-3 (Div IA) - 2-1 - 2-0
  23. Friday April 19th, 2024 - Round-Robin Day 4 Results (GMT +3) 12:30 Italy 0 - 6 France 16:00 Slovenia 5 - 2 Lithuania 19:30 South Korea 3 - 4 Estonia Provisional Standing After Day 4: 1. 9 ------------------ 2. 8 3. 6 4. 6 5. 4 ------------------ 6. 3
  24. Round-Robin Final Standing Nation P W(OTW) L(OTL) GF GA +/- Pt. Mongolia 3 3(0) 0(0) 28 7 +21 9 Kuwait 3 2(0) 1(0) 25 13 +12 6 Indonesia 3 1(1) 2(0) 17 23 -6 2 Malaysia 3 0(0) 3(1) 9 36 -27 1 The following Nation have qualified for the Men's Ice Hockey IIHF Division III Group B World Championship 2025 Mongolia The following Nations have qualified for the Men's Ice Hockey IIHF Division IV World Championship 2025 Indonesia Kuwait Malaysia
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